All it takes is a spark!
Picture one tiny spark. There's so much potential in a spark. One can ignite an entire forest fire, or start generating heat from a wood stove. That's powerful.
Now think of a "spark" of an idea.
How often do you waste time waiting for the whole picture when in actuality you have way more than you need to get started? It's easy to underestimate how you can exponentially change your situation by taking that first step. By lighting the match...
You have that spark in you! Sometimes it's hard to see because a spark can be really small.
If you're on the cusp of doing something that feels big. Ask yourself:
What's holding me back right now? Where could I use a "spark"?
Often it's one of two things:
Not knowing what you want clearly enough...your intention.
Or knowing what you want and letting fear stop you from taking action.
I see you. I've experienced both of these situations, multiple times and still do, although less often now.
Want to find your spark?
Are you ready?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge for the next week...
Don't know what you want clearly enough?
Let's talk "specificity":
If you get too specific:
You can rule out the things that are immediately available to you.
The low hanging fruit.
If you keep it too general:
There's nothing to pin down or anchor to.
You're up in the clouds and it's hard to see the actual thing you want.
You're looking for the goldilocks place - specific enough that you can picture what it could look and feel like when you get it - but not so broad that starting is impossible. This leaves wiggle room for changes as you move along, and enough structure to get you going,
Know what you want and not taking action?
How does this show up?
Often as overthinking which can result in talking yourself out of it - sometimes before you even start!
It's usually the driver behind overthinking, and nothing puts the brakes on something like thinking that you have to have it done perfectly. There's no such thing as perfection.
How can a spark help?
A spark is tiny.
It suggests taking the smallest possible step.This makes it doable.
It's powerful.
Because it's so small you can accumulate results very quickly.
Need help finding your spark? Hit reply...let's connect!
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All it takes is a spark to start a fire…