“Stop playing small. The world needs what you have to offer.
Show up.
Be yourself. Speak up.
Take up space!”
confidence, mindset & performance coach* three time author* Workshop creator & facilitator
Are you relinquishing your outcomes to someone or something else and hoping for the best? I get it. The times in my life when things didn’t go so well were definitely those times when I didn’t take the time to get clear about what I wanted. I left things to chance and walked into situations feeling less sure of myself, and, when you’re less sure of yourself, the person in the room who is clear and confident is going to win. Every. Single. Time. Yikes.
Here’s the thing…hope is not a strategy…PREPARATION is.
When I look back on my life and career -20+ years in the Pharma Industry and 9+ years as an entrepreneur - I can definitely trace my successes back to one common thread. When I was clear about what I wanted, I definitely felt more confident about getting it. I prepared to get it by knowing how I was going to show up; and trusted that this would influence my outcome. It definitely did. I knew I was bringing my best self to the table and was showing up with my best stuff. I felt confident.
Being clear, and holding onto your intention takes confidence. When you’re clear about what you want and you prepare for it…you can confidently influence any situation you’re in. This means that you go in knowing that you’re bringing your best self. Often that means instead of walking in feeling stressed, you’re walking in feeling alert and energized. Rather than not knowing how you want the situation to turn out, you’re really clear on your outcome. Powerful.
Wouldn’t you like to show up as your most confident self in any situation?
My clients are typically people just like you, capable, educated, high performers who want to make the most of every interaction they have. ..especially those where there’s no “do-over” or the stakes are high.They recognize that feeling clear and confident about what their intentions are, is critical to being positioned to get them.
Do you have it all figured out?
Of course you don’t! This is another distinguishing trait that separates high performers from the rest of the crowd. They don't have it all figured out either and they know that spinning their wheels is not a productive use of their time. What do they do when they hit a bump in the road? They make sure that they invest some time to get clear and then get back on track again. The bump is merely a blip. By getting clear on their intention again and preparing, they reconnect with their confidence and get back out there.
Until the next time. Yes, there is inevitably a "next time" and high performers know to take it in stride, get clear again and keep moving forward.
Sound like something you could use?
Contact me for a chat!
Performance Coaching. Mindset. Reignite your Confidence.
Coaches’ Training Institute (CTI) Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner Certified Resilience Coach (The Leadership Wellness Group)