Are you feeling a little out of sorts these days? You’re definitely not alone.
Maybe you remember that line from the movie “Jerry Maguire”…'you complete me'…
As human beings we are wired to connect. It’s not a fault in the system. We are pack animals. We rely on each other to fill-in in the blind spots or gaps for each other and to amplify each others strengths. In the past year or so this lack of ability to operate as we usually did is starting to take its toll on people.
The coffee station chit chat serves a real purpose. Poking your head into a colleague’s office enroute to a meeting to get a quick piece of information or to bounce some last minute idea off them. Even those introverts who used to sit in the local coffee shop are missing the energy of others. It matters.
These seemingly minor interactions were what helped us to be more whole. Not in the woo woo way but rather in the way that we are as humans. We cannot see ourselves. We need others to complete us. To help us to be our best and bring our best stuff.
How is this affecting people? The words that I have heard from clients and friends: they are feeling burnt out, fuzzy, like they are not firing on all cylinders, unclear - the list goes on. Connection matters. Someone to help you be your best.
So today, what if you pick up that phone or invite someone to a Zoom to chat. It matters. Connection matters.
If you're looking for someone to help fill in the gaps for you please Contact me for a zero obligation chat. It's always good to hear from you!
Stay well.