More than you might think...
"Goldilocks" knew when the chair, the porridge and the bed were just right. Not too hot, too soft, not're getting the picture.
Stress is kind of like that. Too much and our circuits can get overwhelmed; too little and we have no oomph to get things done. The sweet spot? Just the right amount to give us the energy to perform.
Wouldn't you like to have the right amount of stress? It's possible. It takes a willingness to look at stress differently, and as much as we say we want "different", as soon as we open that door, it's very easy to turn and run back. Why would you run back to stress? Because it has benefits. Yes. Benefits.
There's definitely something about a little bit of healthy stress - that boost of adrenalin - that makes us feel motivated and energetic and ready to get that thing done. Performance pressure perhaps? Whatever you want to call it, it definitely helps to get s**t done. But let's face it, no one wants to be in that state all of the time. It would be exhausting.
The thing is, when you label everything as stress or stressful, you're ruling out other options. When you decide to look at the energy of stress in a more useful way, you can tap into it, rather than letting it take over. In the right amount, stress can provide strength, motivation and alertness. But first? You have to be willing to look at stress as something you do vs. something outside of you. When you do this, stress becomes a behaviour and the good news here is that you have a say in your behaviour.
When you are able to do this, you will be able to gain some power over it so you can harness it for something useful. Let's face it, those feelings are REAL and, you can channel them into more useful states.
I'm not suggesting you go from stressed to calm, it's not possible. You can't get from stressed to calm in one's just too many jumps...
You can move from stress to: strong, energized, and alert, for example, or other similar states that have some energy and oomph to them.
Let's get to it...
Your challenge for the next week...
When you find yourself feeling "stressed out" :
Ask yourself -how else could I label these feelings that would be more useful for me? (For example: strong, energetic, motivated)
Pick one of these alternatives for stress - sit with it for a moment. I suggest remembering a real time you felt that particular feeling - e.g. time you felt strong - let it bubble up for you and then explore what it felt like in your body.
Ask yourself if I was feeling strong, what would be different about this situation?
Repeat once or twice by picking another feeling that has some oomph to it.
Now, notice what feels different after you have relabelled stress to something more useful?
Is stress getting in the way of your performance? Contact me One thing that's become increasingly clear to me? Going it alone is not ideal.
Stay safe and well.
What can Goldilocks teach you about stress?