Be prepared for the fear...
They say the time will come when the time has come and then? Hopefully, you take action. Hopefully? Yes, hopefully.
When you're ready to make a change, that's when fear and self-doubt tend to creep in. This is a natural reaction, it's in your biology. Fight, flight or freeze. The place your brain goes to whenever you want to change the status quo. Your brain has one job to do: keep you alive. That's it. That's why anytime you do anything more than a couple of times - tying your shoe, making coffee, driving - your brain makes it an autopilot activity The sole purpose of this autopilot? To conserve precious energy so your brain can do its job more easily.
This autopilot was super useful for your ancestors, it literally would save them from expending unnecessary energy so they could be ready when the saber tooth tiger crossed their path. It kept them alive.
Here's the catch: the fight, flight or freeze response our ancestors had when a saber tooth tiger crossed their path, is the same response you get when you want to speak up in a meeting! Sounds kind of silly doesn't it?
How do you learn to work with your biology so you can do the things you want to do?
Step one: Recognize the signs of your sneaky brain in action - typically you'll notice a response of fear or self-doubt in your thoughts. If you're able to start there, this alone can help you to move towards achieving that thing that you want.
Simple? Yes. Easy? Not initially.
Are you willing to give it a try?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge for the next week...
Check in with yourself this week. Is there something you've been wanting to do but keep getting outsmarted by your biology?
Pay attention.
This is your brain trying to protect you.
Start calling out the fear. It's a liar. It tends to exaggerate what can go wrong and minimize what can go right.
Fear cannot exist with action. Truth.
Knowing this, what's one tiny first step that you can take to move towards that thing that you want?
Repeat. Often.
Feeling less confident than you’d like to? Contact me Let's get you clear on YOUR skills, strengths and capabilities so you can be the confident person you were born to be!
Stay safe and well.
Is it time to make that change?