It's about this fear thing...
I know, I bring up the subject of fear...a lot, and there's a really good reason for it. It comes up a lot with clients for sure and full disclosure, for me too. Just the other day, I turned down an opportunity to speak at an event. Why? I told myself, and the person who wanted me to speak, that I didn't have the specific "thing" they were looking for. They felt otherwise, but there was no convincing me. Ten minutes later, as I'm driving to my next appointment, I thought: What the actual F**k?! You can totally do this thing. So I promptly called them back and said...sign me up.*
I share this with you because, I get it. Everything I share with you, is because I usually know it firsthand. It feels very vulnerable to say that I don't have it all figured out, and who the heck am I kidding!? No one has it all figured out!
So lets dig a little into why this FEAR thing is such a big deal, for everyone, at some point in their lives.
There are many different reasons to feel fear, today's focus is on the three that often get in the way of trying something new.
The fear of FAILURE.
Are you familiar with this one? It's a big one, especially when you're ready to push the edges of your comfort zone.
The fear of being JUDGED.
Maybe you have a history of perfectionism or high expectations, or have been criticized in the past for not doing it "right".
You don't know enough, haven't taken enough courses, done enough time etc.
All of these can keep you from realizing your highest potential, and that's not why you were put on this earth, to play small!
Are you willing to give it a try?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge for the next week...
What's one thing you've been itching to do and fear has been standing in your way? Here's some food for thought:
Trying something new?
FAILURE is usually inevitable. It's a part of the learning process. The goal here? Fail fast so you can keep learning and growing.
Recall a time in the past when you were starting something new that's now routine for you. What can that experience teach you?
Afraid of being judged?
It takes courage. Perhaps you're learning a new skill, have decided to take a new career path, or deviate from the status can feel risky to put yourself out there.
How much weight are you putting on what others think? In the long run, does it even matter?
Fear of not being good enough?
The harshest critic you're likely to run into is YOU. Let go of the expectation of perfection and be more willing to have a beginner's mind.
"Good enough" is exactly that...enough. Not perfect.
Most people regret what they didn't do: not taking chances, playing it safe. You've got to be prepared to skin your knees and get a bit muddy, and know that it's totally worth it!
Just so you know, fear's never going away. Damn that biology! Learning to manage your response to it, is the key to continuing to live a life rich with growth and adventure. Be kind to yourself.
Are you ready to tap into YOUR confidence so you can outsmart your fear? Contact me Let's get you clear on YOUR skills, strengths and capabilities so you can be the confident person you were born to be!
Stay safe and well.
*If you want to know the end of the story you'll have to reach out!
Can we talk?