Feeling like an imposter? The solution is...

Feeling like an imposter? The solution is...

Be yourself!

I recently had the pleasure of running  my "Connect to Your Confidence" workshop in a pharmaceutical company setting with a group of amazing, talented, smart, capable, women...it felt like coming home.

These women said that if they felt confident they would be able to show up and be authentic. Believing in, and trusting themselves. Being able to speak up without the fear of being judged. To be who they are without pretending. 

Doesn't sound like a big request does it?

I wish I could have taken all of these women to the event I attended the very next evening.  An evening event with a panel of four high level executives in the pharma industry. General managers, CEOs, Head of Business Units.  Impressive people.

People like you and me. Speaking to the subject of "imposter syndrome."

A sadly relatable topic for far too many women. Women who often carry around a heavy backpack on their shoulders full of self-doubt and insecurities. I confess that I had my own backpack too...pretty much the entire time I was in my corporate job. One of the weights was definitely feeling like I'd snuck in under the radar and didn't belong there. I had no idea how common and 'normal' this was.

According to this panel, this is true for EVERYONE. No discrimination. Men too. Starting a new gig and thinking that it was a mistake...that they'd fooled everyone...slipped under the radar.

So if you're thinking that you're alone...exhale. You're normal. Me too apparently.

It was refreshing, and hopefully, reassuring for the ~80 people there to hear these incredibly accomplished individuals sharing their very real experiences with imposter syndrome. They made it approachable and relatable...especially for the younger women in the crowd who think that everyone else has it all figured out.

Nobody has it all figured out. Nobody.

The one repeating theme throughout the evening was...to be yourself. Trust that you are where you are because you are meant to be there.

"You are who you are.
Who you are.
Is who you are.
Who you are is non-negotiable.
If you can't be who you are where you are.
Change where you are.
Not who you are."
-Caroline Wanga

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Check in with yourself. Are you walking around pretending to be someone you're not? Trying to emulate someone rather than being you?

Do this instead:

  • Be authentic.

    • People want you. Not you trying to be someone else. 

    • Work with your strengths.

  • Be vulnerable.

    • You're not expected to know it all.

    • Ask for help if you need it!

  • Don't take yourself so seriously.

    • Life's too short.

    • Remember that everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time.

Remember, there's nothing more confident then someone being 100% themself...lumps and all!

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Feeling like an imposter? The solution is…