Do you have it all figured out? I hope not...

Do you have it all figured out?

I hope not...because it's the figuring out that gives purpose and meaning...the struggle and striving that drives you forward. It's not the final result. Yes, there's immense satisfaction and it deserves savouring and celebration but when someone is asked about that "thing" chances are high that they're going to tell you a story about all of the obstacles that they managed to overcome to achieve that thing. The figuring it out part.

You're not meant to have it all figured out.

What about those people who seem to have it all figured out? Let's be clear...they don't. No one does. Trust that they're trying to figure something out too. 

Not all things you have to figure out are going to be things you expect or want.They could be frustrating, make you angry, or incredibly's going to throw you a curve ball every now and then. Yet, every single one of them has a message embedded in it for you, something to help you grow. It's about taking the time to figure it out, learn the lesson, and move forward.

That's why it's called growth.

If there's something you're trying to figure out right now and you wish it was just done, this may be the time to take a pause and ask yourself, "what am I supposed to be learning right now"? You may very well find that the answer to this question helps you find the solution to figuring that thing out.

Allow your curiosity to lead the way.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Think of a current situation where you're trying to figure something out but drawing a blank. Often, a useful way to figure something out is to reflect back on a previous experience that you figured out and to draw on that experience.

As you reflect back on that previous situation, consider these questions:

  • How did you approach that challenge?

    • Sometimes the eureka moment comes when you're about to give up.

    • Try stepping back to just before you figured it out to pick up some useful information.

  • What showed up in you?

    • What skills, strengths or capabilities did you notice you have that you didn't realize you had? Those things.

    • How could these apply to your current situation?

  • What did you learn about you?

    • Maybe it was something that you wanted to work on...a new skill you wanted to develop.

    • Or, maybe you recognized a pattern of behaviour that you wanted to address. 

How does remembering a previous situation help you with figuring out this situation? There's definitely information  there for you if you look closely.

What if you looked at figuring this out as a puzzle where you have all of the pieces, you just have to take the time to put them together. You've figured things out can do it again!

Need some help figuring it out? Contact me and let's set up your FREE chemistry call.

