What's keeping you up at night?

Is it wanting to do something and not yet finding the courage to do so? Are you wanting more but don't know where to start?

Hesitating to make that move, take a chance, to step towards the edges of your comfort zone?

You're not alone...you're human.  I know I say that a lot and it's purposeful.  Forgetting that you’re a mortal being with fears and doubts is common.  Expecting to breeze through all of life's challenges is admirable for sure and perhaps a little unrealistic.

Asking for a leg up, some help, can feel pretty vulnerable. Again...you're not alone. It took me years...yes, years, to finally admit that I needed an expert.  Not my friends, not my family or others that knew me, but someone who had no agenda for me other than helping me get some clarity.

A leap that paid off in dividends and...I had to swallow my pride, open my heart, and be vulnerable.

There's nothing wrong with you.

Swallowing your pride is step one, because regret is real.
There's data to support it. When people look back on their lives, they never regret taking chances. Nope. They always regret not doing the things that tugged at their heart. The things they couldn't find the courage to.

Don't let that be you. It's NEVER too late.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

I want you to go deep this week, to dig into the thing that's tugging at you, the thing that's keeping you up, or constantly on your mind. That thing.

Ask yourself these questions:

When I'm on my deathbed what will I think about - the hesitating, the doubt, the fear?

Who or what is holding me back from doing this thing?

What risk seems so insurmountable to me right now?

In the rearview mirror it's funny how things become smaller, insignificant, almost silly.

What does that thing look like now?

I promise you...it's NOT too late to get started.

Let's start building the confidence you're seeking to make that move, take that step.

I've got you.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



What’s keeping you up at night?