Yes! You can. If...

Yes, you can! 

Can what? Pretty much do anything you set your mind to, but there's a have to believe that you can. Your Mindset. One of the ingredients that you have to pay attention to if you really want those things that you say you want. If you think 'it's not possible', then you're holding yourself back.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right... Henry Ford Pretty much my go to quote...there's so much truth to it.

You can only expand as far as you believe you can, so if you're starting out already believing something's not possible then..why bother?  Especially when it comes to growing skills that might feel out of reach for you right now, believing that they are attainable is what fuels the journey.

Think about every skill you have right now. Every single one that, at one point, you probably couldn't imagine doing. Those skills.

How does this relate to building your confidence?

Look at it this way:

  • If you want to be more confident but you always call to mind the times in your life when you weren't feeling confident then that's what your brain's gonna do...look for evidence to support that thought. That's how your brain works. 

  • Likewise, if you call  to mind examples in your life when you were feeling confident, your brain will accommodate that as well and start looking for evidence to support it.

You have to remember that you CAN do things.

What if you're embarking on a brand new thing?
How do you get there? 

  • Patience.

    • There is no overnight success.

  • Perseverance.

    • You have to do the drills to get the skills.

  • The belief that it's possible. 

    • Probably the most important element.

No matter what you're working matters how you're thinking.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Working on building a new skill? Feeling self-doubt and fear is normal when you're learning something new…it doesn’t mean that it’s not possible.

When you feel yourself starting to go down down the path of self-doubt and fear, here are some suggestions for you:

  • Notice it's happening.

    • We tend to go to autopilot, well, automatically, so you may not even notice that it's happening. Start to pay attention.

  • Pause.

    • Ask yourself - Is what I'm thinking about this situation and my capabilities really true? Chances are, it's your autopilot response. Be skeptical.

  • Make a choice.

    • Yes, 'a choice.' Decide that you're going to choose an optimistic mindset this time. Consciously change the pattern and then act upon it. Self-doubt and fear tend to dissolve with action.

  • Repeat.

    • Often. This is a practice.That autopilot brain of yours is determined to win. Repetition of this process makes it more likely that you'll eventually be able to interrupt this pattern and gradually, shift your mindset and grow your skills!

Over time, with patience, persistence and self-belief you can shift your mindset and grow. You've got this.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Yes! You can. If…