It's time to say goodbye to 2020!

It's New Year's Eve and the countdown is on.

This one in particular seems to be holding a lot of officially marks the end of the unprecedented year that was 2020 and introduces a new year of more unknown and I'd like to think it is also filled with hope. Hope for the help on the horizon to be realized. Hope for the continued resilience to see this through.


I typically love this time of year. It's a chance to say goodbye, to close the door on some things and offers the opportunity to welcome new possibilities. For me, this is still true. How about you? Rather than making resolutions, I have always preferred to take some time to reflect on the year that was. The highs, lows, successes and failures. All of it. This year's reflection will definitely look different!

How about you? Do you have a special way to mark the end of the year? Do you have a ritual for planning the next year? How different will it be for you this year?

New beginnings, cleaning the slate, starting over...just a few of the ways some people refer to a New Year. While cleaning the slate and starting fresh may sound attractive, looking at the end of the year and the approaching New Year in a way that encompasses what is already there can be a useful place to start before you add things on.
I'd like to offer this quick practice that I have been doing over the last several years, it doesn't take a lot of time and you may be surprised by what pops up for you. I have made some edits and additions this year and I hope they resonate for you. The key here is to let what bubbles up be the answer, no second guessing... trust your brain! Then get curious after. Feel free to grab a piece of paper and something to write with if you wish.

  • What do I want to leave behind?

What better time than the end of a year to ask yourself this question? We carry so many things with us year over year maybe it's time to leave behind the things that are keeping you stuck or holding you back. Perhaps its a relationship you have outgrown, a habit or feeling that you are done with, an attitude or even a tangible "thing"? Just notice what comes to mind for you.

  • What do I want to keep?

I am guessing that there are many things you may want to keep. While setting new goals is always exciting, it is important to remember some of the stuff that you already have that is pretty great. Relationships, health, friendships, work, useful practices that you do etc. Or maybe something new that you started out of necessity this year that you want to carry forward, a different way of working perhaps, a new relationship or a new habit that you started in 2020 that has been useful for you.

  • What do I want to add or have more of in 2021?

While "adding" always sounds good, you may already have some things in your life that you just want more of - family and friend time or me time. Maybe you want to start a new thing? Perhaps it's about having more choices in a current situation. Whatever surfaces for you, take note.

  • What have I put on hold that I am now ready to look at?

One thing that has become even more clear this year is that there is no perfect time to do that thing you want to do. Even in a holding pattern, there is movement...sometimes slight but movement nevertheless.

.and maybe most useful...

  • What have I learned about myself this year?

One thing 2020 has done is create multiple opportunities to learn and adapt, especially on the work front. How to manage the never ending online meetings and demands of being at home, often with others and the continuous competing priorities. I'm guessing you have adapted as best you can. So my question for you to ponder is "what did you learn about yourself"? Amidst all of the upheaval and persistent changes, what have you learned about you?

I am always intrigued by what comes up by running through this process. It can create food for thought .. which is the point by the get you thinking. No matter what surfaces for you I do hope that it is useful.
If you end up discovering that you're ready to re-look at that thing you put on hold and would like a leg up please feel free to Contact me for a zero obligation chat. Its always good to hear from you!
Most of all, I hope that you stay well.
