What are you ready to let go of today?
This is a big question. It came up in my mediation this morning and it was so powerful that I thought I would ask you.
During these unprecedented times we can continue to take more and more on. Even as I write this my chest gets a little tight...what can I let go of?
I am going to gently suggest that just like breathing where you can't take the next breath until you release the previous one, you also can't continually take things on without letting something else go. I'm not suggesting a huge thing here. Choose something small, start there. Maybe it's an expectation you have of someone else that they aren't able to meet right now. Or an attitude you have been carrying around with you that isn't useful anymore. It could be a particular idea you have about how something should be that is starting to weigh you down.
Maybe it is an expectation you have of yourself. This can be a bit more tricky. Why? I've noticed that we tend to cut others slack, however when it comes to ourselves we sometimes set the bar in a different place and it's usually higher. It is okay for others to take a break but for some reason this doesn't seem to apply to us.
Taking more and more on is simply not sustainable. Maybe you will be able to get it all done...but at what cost? So I'll gently ask you to check in with yourself by asking this question:
What am I ready let go of today?
Whatever pops up for you. Let that be the answer. And then tomorrow ask yourself this question again. Let it be small. Let it be easy.
Stay well and be kind to yourself.