Is it time to let it go?

It has been five months or so now.  You know what I am talking about.  Five months. There have been a lot of changes that have occurred and I'm guessing still more to come.  One thing that seems to be sure is that there is no going back to the "way it was".  It's kind of like trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube after you've squeezed just doesn't go back to how it was.  You may be able to jam some of it back but it's going to be messy!

There are simply some things that we are going to have to come to terms with. New ways. Letting go of things that just won't work anymore....

Do you have something hanging around in the back of your mind that you are ready to take a final look at? It doesn't necessarily mean that the situation is going away, it may mean that you are ready to stop ruminating over it.  It doesn't have to be something big, just something that has been "niggling" at you and perhaps taking up a little more bandwidth then you would like it to.

Think of that thing now.

That brain of yours has a sneaky way of sending you something right when you need it and not necessarily something you have thought of in a while. Thinking of your particular situation now, here is some perspective for you to consider when you are holding on to something. 

Letting go is not the same as giving up.  Read that again. Letting go often results in a feeling of "lightness" whereas giving up can result in a feeling of "defeat". They are different.

Being ready to let go of something can be a big decision. It means saying I am done with this, whatever that means for you in this moment. Maybe it is an attitude or a way of thinking that is creating an obstacle for you? Perhaps you are hanging on to a relationship that you have outgrown, a job that has run its course for you or, it could literally be a material, tangible thing.   Is it possibly a situation that is truly beyond your control? Whatever popped up for you came up for a reason. Ask yourself. What can I choose to let go of in this situation?

By letting something go, you open up space for something else to come in. Maybe something that has been at the back of your mind that you have been ruling out, an idea or a perspective that you haven’t considered in a while or perhaps it is opening up space to explore something completely new. Take some time right now to let something bubble to the surface for you.

That thing. What if you had space to let that in? What could be different for you?

There are going to be situations in your life that you wish were different and you cannot change them. Letting go of your expectations and embracing how it is rather than how you think it should be is freeing. 

So think about that thing now.  What is different when you let that thing go?

If you are having trouble letting go Contact me for a zero obligation chat to learn more about me and my coaching approach!
