What if you got to choose?
A wake up call, by nature, is typically something that "happens to us". It's a call to action, often the result of an aha moment. That moment when someone says something that lands in a way that instantly changes how we think about something. An epiphany.
Or, it could be the result of an oh shit moment, a moment that blindsides you and leaves you wondering “what am I going to do now”?
And, it could be that moment when you decide that enough is enough. I’m done….with whatever it is…the job, the relationship, your physical state, way of thinking etc.
A wake up call, by nature, tends to be a whoosh…and all of a sudden, things will never be the same. It's that kind of experience, a moment that can knock the wind out of you and leave you breathless. It can also be the moment that propels you to the next amazing chapter in your life. It's a call to action, when taking action might be the last thing on your mind. That's why it is a wake up call!
Wouldn't you rather choose?
We are creeping towards the middle of November. I know…sorry about that. Has another year gone by where you're wondering where the time went? You really meant to do this or to stop that, but then….the world has kind of been keeping you in a holding pattern.
Sometimes a wake up call gives you no other option than to make a decision, start something new, or maybe stop to reflect and get a fresh perspective. Now what? That can be what happens too. Now what? Rather than being caught like a deer in the headlights, what if you actually had a plan?
The "new normal" is starting to unfold, bit by bit. This is an invitation to start considering what your options may be moving forward. Maybe it's no longer necessary to hang on to the safe stuff until the storm passes.
What if you consider this message an invitation to a call to action...without all the drama of a wake up call? How would New Year’s Eve be different this year as you reflect on that thing you ended up taking action on because you decided it was time?
When the count down to 2022 is on, how do you want to be feeling? Do you want to feel like you're starting off on the right foot, that you're taking your situation under your control? That you DO have options?
It's possible to start planning to be where you want to be in 2022. To be setting yourself up for a fulfilling and successful year. There are so many possibilities for you!
What if you make 2022 the year that you decided to take a step towards what you want, rather than putting things on hold until the whoosh of a wake up call knocks you off your feet?
Let's get to it...
Are you willing to try this out?
Your challenge for the next week...
Check in with yourself. Take some time to mull over these questions and suggestions (you can even answer them on a piece of paper).
Ask yourself: Where is there one place in my life where I'm ready to make a change? Let it come up and trust the answer.
What would it feel like to make this change?
How will this affect how I show up for myself and others?
Baby steps.
Literally, make one tiny change. Try it on and decide - is this what I want? If so...make one more tiny change and continue to ask the question. Is this what I want?
If not? You've only made one tiny step, so it's easy to step back, right? Then you can decide to take another tiny step in a different direction. Always checking in, always asking the question - is this what I want?
Trusting that tiny steps, taken consistently over time,WILLresult in transformational change.Promise.
If you're ready to take action, Contact me for a chat. It's always good to hear from you!
Stay safe and well.