Still thinking about "it"?

It's definitely a start...and it won't get it done.

I've been thinking a lot recently about making cookies...Granny Cookies... to be specific.  They are a special cookie that my Mum made that became a favourite of the grandchildren...hence, the name.  So apparently I was talking about them again when my son,  Austin, turned to me and said, thinking about it won't get it done Mom

Kind of obvious isn't it?

Maybe there's something you keep thinking about doing that isn't getting done?  It could be a bit more important to you than making cookies and nonetheless, you're not getting it done.

Don't get me wrong, thinking is a good thing and I'm guessing that a lot of busy people probably don't take enough time to do it. Saying yes rather than pausing and thinking might have resulted in yet another thing making it to your "to-do" list.  Perhaps this is why we can end up doing things that we didn't really sign up for.

Then there's overthinking.  Running over something again and again and never quite making a decision.  

But that's not you, right?  You think just the right amount and only say yes to what you mean to say yes to...

For the rest of you?

Are you ready to stop thinking and make a decision?

Let's get to it...

Are you willing to try this out?

Your challenge for the next week...

Check in on the thing you've been thinking about and meaning to get done.

Maybe ask yourself:

  • Do I actually want to do this thing I am thinking about?

    • If the answer is no?

    • How did this make it to my list?

    • Does this really have to get done?

    • If so, does this have to get done by ME?

    • If not? DON'T spend anymore time thinking about it. Let it go

  • If the answer is yes?

    • What's stopping me from doing it?

    • Are you're looking at the entire thing and getting overwhelmed?

    • Have you been putting it at the bottom of your list because it's not important enough?

    • Or maybe, you just don't know where to start?

For me? The answer is yes. Yes, I do want to make the cookies.
How do I start? The first little step I need to take? Grab the recipe. That's step one.

That's how you move from thinking to action. Figure out the first little step. Then the next...trusting that tiny steps, taken consistently over time, WILL result in transformational change or, in this specific example... a great batch of cookies!

If you're ready to stop thinking and make a decision,  Contact me for a chat. It's always good to hear from you!


Stay safe and well.

