Here's a no brainer question....

Have you ever let fear stand in the way of something you wanted to do?

This is the third of a multi-part blog series on helping you recognize what might be keeping you stuck, and small steps to get you moving forward again.

Sometimes all it takes is one little nudge to get you back on track.


Welcome to the third blogpost in the series....this one is all about the role that FEAR can play in keeping you stuck. I'm willing to bet that not one person reading this has not experienced fear as a roadblock, even if only temporarily.

Fear is probably the number one thing that holds us back from making a change, and inevitably it can keep us stuck. Fear. It's just a word, and probably one of the most powerful four-letter words around.

Fear is a liar. It tells us that staying where we are is safe, and trying something new is dangerous. Even if the change is for a very good reason. It isn't a fault in the system. Unfortunately, this is how our brains work. Not very practical at all.

Because the brain’s number one job is to keep you safe, when you try to change something; alarm bells go off, often in the form of fear. All the what if's start coming up and they're usually not the good, positive ones. Nope...they're usually all of 'the what can go wrong?' ones. This is often just enough to keep you stuck in the status quo. Eventually, you want more than that.  So what can you do?

The good news? Fear can't survive when we take action. Action has a way of making fear shrink and disappear.

So let's get to it....

Are you willing to try this out?  If so...

Your challenge for the next week…

The next time you’re feeling stuck because fear has taken over the steering wheel...try this: Call the fear out.  Literally. Recognize that it is fear that is speaking and acknowledge it...out loud.  Then ask yourself: What if the biggest risk is not taking one? Notice what answer pops up in your head.
My other favourite question: Five years from now, are you going to regret doing it or not doing it? Often, the perspective that this question offers is enough to encourage you to take a step towards that thing you want to do.  Repeat this every time you catch yourself  holding back because of fear.  Make it a game if that helps. 

May you find a nugget or two as you come along on this journey with me.

Up next? The role that habits can play in keeping you stuck....

If you're ready to get unstuck and shift your mindset please  Contact me for a zero obligation chat. It's always good to hear from you!


Stay safe and well.

