This may be a little late, but...

Maybe it's time to change it up?

You wouldn't put your flip flops on to go skiing. You probably aren't wearing your T-Shirt outside right now; and, some of you have switched out your regular tires for winter tires. 

This doesn't mean that the flipflops, t-shirt, or regular tires are faulty, it just means that maybe they aren't useful for the season you're in right now.   So why would you continue to utilize the same tools to solve different challenges?

It's pretty normal to fall back on tried and true tools; you probably have your "go to" tools, habitual ways of being and thinking.  Have you noticed that maybe those tools aren't working anymore? The thing about habitually approaching situations in the same way is that, eventually, you're going to narrow your options.  

When you only have one tool in your toolkit you're greatly reducing your choices. If all you have is a hammer, you're going to tend to start treating everything like a nail. Not practical or useful.

What tool(s) are you using that may not be useful for the season you're in? 

Maybe you need a new approach?

Let's get to it...

You're challenge for the next week...

Think about a situation you're facing right now. Before you start down your regular path to handle it, maybe consider the following suggestions:

  • How would someone you respect approach this?

  • How would someone who challenges you look at this situation?

  • How would your best friend address this type of situation?

  • Think of one other person, even a fictional one, and ask yourself how would they approach this situation?

Your old tools aren't going anywhere, you'll eventually be wearing your flipflops and t-shirt again, just not now. For now, what if you try something new out? You may be pleasantly surprised! 

Is it time to restock your toolkit? Contact me  You have all of the skills, strengths and capabilities you need. Let’s work together and reconnect you with them!

Stay safe and well.



This may be a little late, but…