The words you use matter...
I remember being a kid and probably being a little sassy from time to time, yes, I know, for those of you who know me, so hard to believe! What I remember most about this was being told - in the words of my Dad - to “mind my P’s & Q’s”. I still laugh when I think of it. It’s an 'English' thing… I knew in that moment that I had said something that crossed some sort of line between what was acceptable to say vs. what was not. Ah, words.
What I am getting at today is a little different and still related to the words that we may say, mostly unconsciously or unintentionally, and often, by habit.
The words we choose to describe a person, a situation or our self. These words matter. Our words can direct our behaviour or approach to things without us even noticing…it can be that subtle.
Changing just one word can affect your approach to a situation. It’s a mindset thing.
I thought I'd share a situation that beautifully illustrates my point:
I was in a conversation with someone who was describing an upcoming project they were going to be managing. Right out of the gate, they described it as a battle, and stated that they were confined by the guardrails that were being set up by others. Hmmm. I stopped them and asked. If it wasn't a “battle”, what else could it be. With minimal hesitation, they replied “an opportunity”. Cool, and how about those “guardrails”, what else could those be? Again, with no hesitation, the response was “parameters”. Can you feel the difference here?
So I went further, what’s different about this situation now when, rather than being a battle with guardrails, it's an opportunity with parameters? Suffice it to say, they left the conversation with a completely different attitude and perspective on their upcoming project.
That’s what words can do!
Funny how changing just one word can completely shift how we approach a situation, a co-worker, an acquaintance, or perhaps someone close to you in your life.
What could change if, rather than thinking that someone is being “difficult”, they are being “diligent”? How might this simple change in words shift the way you think about them?
And let’s not even get started on the way people talk about themselves…
What's your self-talk like? Is it kind and compassionate, or are you always putting yourself down?
When you start to pay attention to how you talk about yourself, situations and others, your whole mindset will start to shift. It’s gradual, and over time, can be transformational.
Let's get to it...
Your challenge for the next week...
Pick one situation in your life right now where a change in perspective would be useful. It doesn't have to be a big thing at are practicing here.
Really pay attention to what words you are using to describe the situation/person etc.
Notice how the words you are using are affecting your perspective on the situation/person.
Ask yourself - how else could I describe this situation/person that would be more useful?
Maybe think about how you would like to feel about the person or situation that would be more useful or productive.
Exchange your original word or description for another one. Just one word.
Notice how your attitude and outlook shifts when you change that one word. What becomes better because of this?
Ready to shift your mindset? Contact me One thing that's become increasingly clear to me? Going it alone is not ideal.
Stay safe and well.
Do you need to watch your mouth?