Remember late 2011, early 2012? Drake's* song "The Motto" came out with the reference to "You Only Live Once" (YOLO), and it became part of the vernacular of youth and beyond. It's not that the acronym didn't exist prior to that, it's just that this song catapulted it to the forefront.
You Only Live Once...YOLO
The gist? An attitude of "life's short so, why not"? Take chances, say yes, don't overthink it. Just go for it.
There's definitely a place for this, and yet, there's another way to look at it as well...
What if you think of YOLO as a decision to make a commitment to something long term? Making a plan for something you want, and sticking to it rather than the "fear of missing out" attitude typically associated with YOLO.
Maybe you've been wanting to do something. It's big and you're waiting because of...whatever excuse you've created. It's still January, a New Year, setting goals and making plans. What if, this year, you made a decision to commit to something you've been wanting for a long time? Maybe you've been wanting to start a new career; turn that side hustle into your full time gig; write a book; be in the best health of your life etc.
Think about it...these are YOLO things too.
The difference? They're going to require making a choice to commit to a decision and a long term plan, rather than getting instant gratification. Time has a funny way of ticking away regardless of the action you do, or don't take. Take that in. "Waiting until" creates only one thing down the road, the likelihood that you won't do "it" and ultimately - regret. Don't take my word for it, Daniel Pink** wrote an entire book about regrets. Suffice it to say that people regret what they don't do, not taking a chance and potentially failing at something they want to do.
With this in mind, what's the thing you've been holding off on? YOLO after all...
Let's get to it...
Your challenge...
Take some time to think about the big thing that you've been wanting. You know what it is. It's that thing that's never far from your thoughts.
With YOLO in mind:
Make the decision.
Go, or no go?
Really think about it.
No go?
Double check. Are you sure?
If so, let it go.
Then start to work on a plan to make it happen.
Choose one step to get started. It could be declaring your intention to someone you trust.
Look ahead to New Year's Eve 2023.
No, really, take a minute to do this.
Look back and see all of the progress you've made by committing to a decision, and taking action.
YOLO. As far as I know, this is true. What do you want to look back on? Regrets, or the satisfaction of knowing you took a chance, whether it worked out or not? At least you'll know.
If you're ready to take your first step Contact me You have all of the skills, strengths and capabilities you need. Let’s work together and reconnect you with them!
Remember YOLO?