It's early in January...apparently a good time for an epiphany...
What's an epiphany anyway?
It's typically a moment in life when things change, often in a heartbeat and nothing's ever the same again.
It usually comes from an observation from outside of you or your regular circle. That moment when someone says something that lands with you in a way that changes your previous thinking about a situation.
It could be a result of an “oh shit” moment, a moment that blindsides you and changes everything.
It's a swift insight that all of a sudden, provides clarity.
Once you have one...everything changes.
An AHA moment.
An epiphany or “wake up” call doesn’t sneak up on you, it's a whoosh…and all of a sudden, things will never be the same. It's that kind of experience, a moment that can knock the wind out of you and leave you breathless. It can also be the moment that propels you to the next amazing chapter in your life. Regardless, it's a “call to action". Now what?
Want to plan your own epiphany?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge for the next week...
Here's a cool exercise* to do for a situation where you’re feeling frustrated or discouraged, a situation where a different perspective is exactly what you need. Maybe read through first and then take it step by step. No pen or paper required, just a willingness to use your imagination.
Think about the situation you're in where you're feeling frustrated or discouraged.
Now think of a person who challenges you - whatever that means for you.
Trust who comes to mind. Now, imagine what their perspective on this situation you're in might be. Take your time.
Now think of a person you respect (they don't have to be alive).
Trust who came to mind, that brain doesn't give you random stuff. Imagine what this person's perspective might be on the situation you're in.
Now think of someone who loves you.
What might be this person's perspective on your frustrating or discouraging situation?
Finally, think of that situation again and notice: What's different now that you have this new perspective?
Sometimes the "Aha" isn't huge, it's simply a new viewpoint that you didn't have before.
How does your situation feel less frustrating or discouraging when you add this information?
Could you use an epiphany? Contact me
Could you use an epiphany? Contact me You have all of the skills, strengths and capabilities you need. Let’s work together and reconnect you with them!
*Exercise from NLP Canada Training
Could you use an epiphnay?