So you're ready to grow? Excellent!
In order to "grow", you need to be clear on exactly what it is that you're going to grow. You wouldn't plant a tomato seed and expect a rose to grow, would you?
You also have to have just enough courage to get started and of course, take action.
Get Clear!
… would you call a taxi, jump in and say “don’t take me to the airport”? Sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it? Yet knowing what you don’t want or want to avoid is often more clear than what you actually want…
It's not your fault. You can blame it on your brain's natural tendency to have a negative bias. In order to keep you safe, it's going to focus on what you want to avoid rather than what you want. That brain of yours is so impractical at times!
For example: When it comes to growing your confidence it might sound like this:
You don't want to look unprepared so you're attention is likely to be focused on your perceived weaknesses and what you don't know. Not very useful.
If you're focusing on "not looking unprepared" then you're walking into the situation, without any idea of how you actually want to show up, or what a successful outcome looks like. If you don’t know what your desired outcome is, how will you stand a chance of getting it?
The difference between people who tend to get what they want and everyone else? They don't leave things to chance. They get really clear on their intention for any situation and they prepare for it.
Let's practice. Pick one of the following...making your coffee, tea, or smoothie. Or something you've done before. Keep it super simple.
Get Confident!
We're going to practice with something you already know how to do with confidence. Let's say you’ve decided what you want…the coffee, tea, or smoothie. Great! Now what?
It takes practice to grow your confidence.
The fact is, you already have all the skills, strengths, and capabilities you need to show up with confidence. Really! You’ve just lost touch with them.
So how do you start to reconnect with them? We're going to practice with something you already know how to do with confidence. Start by thinking of that coffee/tea or smoothie that you've decided you want.
For each step, pause, close your eyes and picture yourself doing it:
Imagine you've already made that coffee, tea, or smoothie. Notice where you are when you're enjoying it. Imagine that first sip.
Now, closing your eyes again, step back and picture the behaviours you did to prepare that drink.
Ask yourself - what skills or capabilities did I use to make that beverage?
What did you have to believe about yourself to make it happen?
Pick one word that would describe your identity as you did this thing. Maybe finish the sentence "I am a person who..." (makes amazing coffee!)
This is a form of mental rehearsal...just like professional athletes do, and it's one of the most powerful tools for practicing and growing your confidence. If you’re able to imagine the situation you're heading into happening and walk through it, it feels like it’s already done. Your brain doesn’t know the difference! This is the key to start/continue growing your confidence. It's a practice.
Get Going!
Now that you’re really clear about what you want and how you want to show up, it’s time to take some action.
In your example? Maybe you're getting your favourite coffee beans ready to grind or putting on your kettle to brew some tea. Start there.
Remember that at one time, this wasn't something you did automatically. It took repetition. Doing. Confidence is like that too. Repetition. Doing things when you don't know every step.
Ready to try this on something new?
Let’s get to it…
Your challenge…
Now that you've practiced with something you're already confident in, it's time to use a new situation. For learning purposes, keep it small.
You've got that thing picked...right!?
Be specific.
Practice the mental rehearsal exercise above.
Take it one step at a time and really imagine each step happening.
Take a small, courageous step.
Then repeat. Often.
Notice what changes. Because...change will happen.
By getting clear on what you want, doing the preparation, and taking action, you will grow your confidence. Simple? Yes. Easy? It’s a practice.
When you practice you’ll start to make shifts that grow your confidence and over time… it just may transform you and your life!
When you're ready to start growing your confidence Contact me You have all of the skills, strengths, and capabilities you need. Let’s work together and reconnect you with them!
Ready to grow something? Be specific.