What kind of breadcrumb trail are you leaving?

Do you ever wonder what kind of breadcrumb trail you're leaving? 

As Maya Angelou the American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist famously said.  'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

No matter what lens you're looking from...your work, as a parent, partner, sibling, friend, influencer etc. Pick one and ask yourself...What kind of bread crumb trail am I leaving here?

It matters.

No matter what you do, intentionally or not, you are leaving an impression on those around you. Some might call it your reputation...your character...a demonstration of your values. When you look behind you, what do you see?

We all know that it really doesn't matter a rat's ass what someone says. What really matters is what they do, how they show up. Are their actions matching their words? That's the proof right there. The impact. The trail.

It's about integrity. 

What have you been modelling? What kind of legacy do you want to leave? You're already doing it.

It's not how you show up when things are good. It’s how you manage yourself when things aren't good...when you're angry, frustrated, disappointed, it's all those things...that become a part of your trail.

When you reflect now, are you proud? Embarrassed? Humble? Disappointed?

It's information.

At any given point, you can switch direction, you can change something. If you're not happy with how it is. You can start to drop different breadcrumbs. Right now.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge... 

Not sure what kind of trail you're leaving behind?

  • They say how we do one thing is how we do everything so pick one particular area of your life that you're curious about and then recruit some truth tellers.

  • Keep in mind that your friends aren't always your truth tellers and your truth tellers aren't always your friends.

  • Who do you need to reach out to to get the most useful feedback?

An exercise worth doing.

Need some help figuring it out? Contact me and let's set up your FREE chemistry call.



What kind of breadcrumb trail are you leaving?