Fear is sneaky...watch out!

Fear is sneaky...watch out!

One of the biggest misconceptions people have about me? They think that because I'm a confidence coach, I never feel fear.

Nothing could be further from the truth! Just a couple of weeks ago, I caught myself getting ready to let fear stop me from doing something.  Busted.

Thankfully I was in conversation with my coach when I had the epiphany that I was letting fear take charge of a situation. I called it out...phew...it was a close call.

I'm not immune to this very normal response and it's these experiences that make me relatable.  I really do get you.

So let's unpack some facts on fear...

  • Fear is a natural "alarm bell" that your brain rings any time you want to make a change...because it's wired that way. 

  • As long as we still have our natural response system complete with our amygdala...fear is something we have to learn to accept and work with.

  • It's always gonna magnify what could go wrong and minimize what could go right.

When I think of my own fear, I treat it like a gateway... a check in point...it's usually a sign that that I'm on to something worthwhile. When I take this perspective, it actually excites me. It opens up my curiosity rather than immediately vetoing something because I'm afraid...because, let's face it, if you're about to embark on something new, it should make you feel a little bit scared. It's normal.

Non-scientific example of what happens in that head of yours...

You: I'm going to start something new!
Your brain: I'm going to put an alarm bell on that, to ensure that you start to second-guess, overthink and hopefully remain status quo. 

Ooh, lies.

Yes, the reason I'm a confidence coach is because I know how sneaky fear is and I know that it has the ability to limit your potential IF you let it take over.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge... 

Is there a situation you're in right now where fear is driving the bus? Or maybe you can think of a previous situation where fear took over.

  • Fear is a natural "alarm bell" that your brain rings any time you want to make a change...because it's wired that way. 

    • Recognize this and understand that the quickest way to quell fear is first, to acknowledge it and then take action.

  • As long as we still have our natural response system complete with our amygdala...fear is something we have to learn to accept.

    • As I was recently reminded...it's really uncomfortable AND it's a liar. Call it out!

  • Fear is always gonna magnify what could go wrong and minimize what can go right.

    • It's our brain's way of saying I want to keep you alive and safe. 

When you understand this you will recognize when fear is trying to take the wheel...and learn to take it back.

Just because you feel fear doesn't mean you're not capable. It makes you human.  Let that sink in.

Need some help managing your fear? Contact me and let's set up your FREE chemistry call.



Fear is sneaky…watch out!