But I'm on a roll...
Really exploring this whole January thing.
Setting goals.
Or the idea that if you don't have a goal...there's something wrong with you.
If you do have a goal...where's the influence coming from for that goal? Inside you? Outside pressure or opinions?
What's motivating you to set that goal?
Whether you have a goal, an intention, or nothing at all...here are some tips to increase your odds of success.
Make sure that it's something you want.
Sounds obvious and a couple of sneaky things can happen here:
You're doing it for someone else. They want you to be fit, change a behaviour, or get a new job.
Or, very common...setting a goal that has you running away from something rather than towards something.
Frame your goals to point towards what you want, not what you want to avoid.
Oh...and be specific. You should be able to picture it in great detail and know how it will feel too.
Believe it's possible.
Remember Henry Ford? "Whether you think you can or think you can't...you're right."
Believe that it's possible. That in and of itself will up the chances of you achieving it...instantly…because your brain will naturally start to look for opportunities to make it happen...it's built that way.
Consider the "costs" of your goal.
This part of goal setting often gets missed, understanding what pursuing that goal is going to "cost" you.
How much time will pursuing that goal take away from other things that you want to do?
Energy is similar to time...learning new skills is going to consume more of your brain power and leave less for other things.
Tangible costs.
Maybe you're paying for a course, buying equipment or paying a membership.
Willpower...is a limited resource. When you're focusing on doing something new you'll have less willpower to do other things...it's a trade off.
Once you've considered all of this then...
Make a plan.
Take a path when it makes sense. Following in the footsteps of someone who has done what you want to do can be really helpful. Why reinvent the wheel?
And... know when to step off and make your own path.
Understand that you are unique and your version of that goal is going to have your fingerprint on it. Resist the very human urge to compare yourself, your progression, to someone else. They're not you!!
Are you ready?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge...
Pick one goal or intention you’ve been considering and give it a test drive.
Is it something you want?
Is it specific enough?
Do you believe it's possible?
Is it worth the costs?
If you can tick those boxes then go ahead...make a plan and take that first step.
Need some help?
If you're ready to show up in 2025 as your most powerful self, it's time for us to talk Contact me
I don’t usually do this…