Can I tell you a secret?

Can I tell you a secret? I was stuck...really stuck.

I was struggling with my own goals this year until I came to a realization...there's some advice I could be taking...

Ever feel that way? You know what you "should" be doing and're not. Ugh.

What did I do? I started practicing what I preach, looking at what I put out in my blogs, reading my own book* and taking my own advice know what they say "Do as I say...not as I do!" Guilty as charged.

And that's when everything changed. I moved from not really knowing what I wanted, not being specific enough, to being able to visualize it as clearly as I needed to, to make it a reality.

What was in my way?

I made the same mistakes that a lot of people make, thinking I had to have everything figured out, every detail, and that the right time was just gonna pop-up...all of this is untrue.

I was forcing things rather than letting them come to me.

This goal feels different so I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to have it all figured out...hence the struggle. You'd think I'd know better!

So what changed?

  • I let go of expectations and surrendered. Put it on the back burner.

  • Kept my intention but had no plan.

Then the first step showed up. Clarity. Hallelujah! I took some action. Executed the first step.

That's where I am right now...

Figuring out what I want, not overthinking it...allowing one step to come and taking it. Keeping my intention in mind and knowing that I will achieve it, one step at a time.

Why am I telling you this? I get you. We're all human and things don't always come easily...

How are you doing right now? Are you feeling stuck or struggling? Looking for some clarity? You're not alone.

What if you put it on the back burner for a little while? Go do other things and just allow an idea to come, it can be the tiniest thing. Don't overcomplicate it...take action and expect more to come.

What I've learned is that when I take a step back and let something go and focus on other things...that's when the idea pops. Letting go of any expectations and allowing the inspiration to come when the time feels right.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Let go of that thing that you're grasping onto and to allow yourself to walk away from it for a while. Take a breather but hold onto your intention.


  • The "right" time doesn't exist.

    • You'll always find an excuse...start before you feel ready.

  • Your plan doesn't need to have every step outlined.

    • Focus less on having all the steps worked out and take the first one...the others will follow.

  • Get some help.

    • Read a book*...hire a coach.

    • You don’t have to navigate things alone.

Gripping onto something and forcing rarely works. Stepping away and taking a breather almost always does. Give it a try...

Looking for some clarity?  Contact me Confident people know that two heads are always better than one.



  • “You’re Stuck…Now What?” available on Amazon

Can I tell you a secret?