I'll go first!
I've been doing a lot of work over the last four months with an incredible coach and it's been game-changing. Game-changing for me in terms of how I'm showing up. I'm so excited to finally be reconnecting with myself and being more of myself in my writing so that you can see who I really am. Warts and all!
I'm feisty and energetic, I can see b******* and I will call it out... and on the flip side of that? I'm gentle. I'm kind. I'm empathetic and I love seeing you step into the biggest, boldest version of yourself.
All of that.
I can be all of that and be professional…
I'll never forget what now is a funny recollection of some feedback I received several years ago. As part of my development, I was working with a director in another department of my organization. We couldn't have been more opposite. In my mind, they came across as a little stiff and serious and well me...I was being me. When we provided feedback to each other during the project it was quite interesting. They thought I was too casual in some of my presentations and I told them that they could loosen up and be more of themselves. I see now that we were both projecting ourselves on each other. I took it very seriously at the time and it actually hindered my performance, until someone pulled me aside and gave me some perspective...I was stifling the very thing that made people resonate with me. My realness!
How about you?
Who are you? How would you describe yourself? What are the parts of you you're hiding that may be the key to connecting more deeply with others? Yes, time and place...I wholeheartedly acknowledge this and...I'm willing to bet that there are probably more opportunities than you think to be more of yourself. Loosen up a little.
What are you stifling that's ready to be seen?
Are you ready?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge...
Take some time now to consider the following without overthinking...
How would you describe yourself, the you that you naturally are and feel at ease with?
Pick three or four of the top attributes that came up for you.
How often do the attributes you noted show up in your interactions with people you work with or for?
Notice. Is your response surprising?
What are the parts of you that you're hiding that may be the key to connecting more deeply with others?
It’s your humanness that makes you a better leader, colleague...a better you. Don't hide that! Celebrate it.
Let's be clear here... people resonate with real people. People they can see themselves in. I’m here to be your mirror, your perfectly imperfect, real, human model.
I’ll show up with my humanity and keep your best interests at heart because your results are my first priority! We can have fun and get you serious results.
Are you ready to start lifting your mask a little? It’s safe here. Contact me I know that showing my humanity gives you permission to do the same. That’s big.
Psssst…is it time to take off your mask?