The ending of a year with a bright and shiny new one on the horizon can be tantalizing for sure, but before you get ahead of yourself...
Here are a few suggestions...
Use the past as a reference point:
The past can definitely be a good reference point, however, if you're reliving the past all the time, especially those moments where maybe you're thinking someone did you wrong or, you didn't get what you wanted or, any other version of this…here's what you're doing:
You're sabotaging your happiness! Work with a therapist or a coach (depending on what you need to work on). Do something!
You can't change the past...however, you can change the meaning you've attached to it! By reframing the meaning you attach to situations or people, you will see things change for you...in a good way.
Let the future inspire you:
It's great to have a beacon out there that you're aiming for. There's nothing wrong with wanting more and by getting caught up in what's ahead, you're missing what's going on right now...the only thing that exists.
Ask yourself, all things considered:
How do you want to move forward into 2025?
Need some help? Here’s a part of my “year end” process to get you more clear.
Are you ready?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge for the next couple of days…
Take some time to explore these questions …you're definitely going to want to grab a piece of paper and something to write with...
What am I ready to leave behind?
What better time than the end of a year to ask yourself this question? You carry so many things with you year over year, maybe it's time to leave behind the things that are keeping you stuck, or holding you back. Perhaps it's a relationship you've outgrown, a habit or feeling that you’re done with, an attitude, or even a tangible "thing"?
What do I want to keep?
While setting new goals is always exciting, it's important to remember some of the stuff that you already have that's pretty great. Stuff you want to keep. Relationships, health, friendships, work, useful practices that you do etc.
What do I want to add or have more of in 2025?
While "adding" always sounds good, you may already have some things in your life that you just want more of - family and friend time, me time...you get the idea here.
What have I put on hold?
There’s no perfect time to do that thing you want to do. What if you considered taking one step towards it now?The time's going to pass anyway.
What have I discovered about myself this year?
Every year brings an opportunity for growth.
Spend some time pondering "what did I discover about myself"?
Now take a moment. Breathe. Notice what you're feeling right now. Maybe you feel proud when you see how the year unfolded. Maybe you've found a gap that you'd like to address. There's no right or wrong here.
No matter what surfaced for you, you now have some information you didn’t have before. You get to decide whether you do something with it or not. Something for you to mull over in the coming days. That's the point - to get you thinking.
Sending warmest wishes to you for 2025.
Before you get ahead of yourself…do this!