So you've decided you're going to do"it". Whatever it is you keep saying that you're going to do.
Then, this happens: the hesitation and the excuses, all very reasonable sounding for sure. You're going to do that thing you've been wanting to do forever and suddenly you decide that:
You need just one more opinion.
You need the guarantee of certainty you're looking for.
You're gonna take just one more course because then you'll be ready for real this time.
The weather gets better, you lose a couple of pounds ...Blah. Blah. Blah.
It's just like a plan. Right? Hmmm.
Here's the truth of the matter, you're never going to feel completely ready. These are just distractions that are delaying you from doing the thing you say you want to do.
Just so you know:
The number one opinion that matters... is yours.
Certainty doesn't exist (except paying taxes and yes, you will eventually die).
One more course will just open up one more excuse.
Whatever your...blah blah blah is...another delay tactic
The idea that there's a perfect time out there just isn't true. You're never going to feel confident enough, competent enough, prepared enough...whatever your "enough" is.
So how do you go about getting started?
Are you ready?
Let’s get to it…
Your challenge…
Imagine that you took a step towards your thing today. Just one.
Now take a deep breath and exhale. Picture five years from now and ask the future version of yourself the following questions (use a pen and paper if you'd like):
Was it worth the risk?
Sometimes the biggest risk is not taking a risk.
What did it cost you?
Remember that cost isn't just money. It's also the other "costs" involved: Your energy, time, effort, and some of the things you couldn't do in order to do this thing.
What's the biggest regret you have?
Typically, you regret the things you didn't do. Not the chances you took.
What was the biggest hurdle you overcame?
Some of the hurdles may have been fear or self-doubt.
What's different now when you reflect on that thing you want to do?
Just so you know. No one has it all figured out. No One. Realize that you are never going to have everything figured out and that's okay. You have enough and know enough to take the first step to get started. Really.
If you're ready to take your first step Contact me You have all of the skills, strengths, and capabilities you need. Let’s work together and reconnect you with them!
Ready. Set. Go! Who you kidding…