Have you ever considered that while you're waiting for something to happen...something's happening?
It's so easy to get caught up in what you're hoping for, or what your future plans are, that you can miss what's happening right in the moment. What if you paid attention to that?
This is a common phenomena that I see with clients. Constantly looking down the road for that next thing and entirely missing what's going on right in front of them. Often it's the opportunities that are right there in the current situation that they're in. Hidden in plain sight.
It's about paying attention.
What's actually going on where you are right now?
Noticing this definitely has the power to impact the "down the road thing" that you're thinking about.
Getting caught up in a specific thing that's "out there" can cause you to lose sight of the other possibilities that are right here.
What can you do?
It's easy to live in the future especially if you're not satisfied with where you are now and...if you've already "checked out", you're definitely going to miss some useful information.
What kind of information?
The kind of information that becomes available to you when you consider the parts of what you're doing now that bring you fulfillment. When you're looking over at the greener grass, you will filter out the good in your current situation. It's what we do.
When you take the time to appreciate the good things in your current situation you can bring this information forward with you.
It's about having the wherewithal to actually pay attention and be present in your current situation. I get it... if you're not satisfied and you want something to change, it's easy to jump ahead, and it's in that jumping ahead that you're missing the nuggets of wisdom. They're there for you to gather and take with you.
By all means, plan for that move ahead. It's good to want more for yourself. But...don't jump ahead and lose the lessons. That's a big miss.
What are you missing?
Are you ready?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge...
For this week, how about you do some data mining?
Take stock of where you're at right now.
Remember...you're biased to look for what's not good.
Make a point to notice the information you're disregarding. This may feel like a mining expedition if you've only been focusing of the "bad stuff".
Get a little more curious about that and ask yourself "Where could this be useful for me down the road?"
Once you review your insights ask yourself:
Is now the time to be running, or is now the time to be gathering?
What if I noticed what's happening now while I'm waiting for something to happen?
There's no one and done answer. Just food for thought.
"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans..." John Lennon
If you're looking for perspective Contact me I'm really good at what I do.
Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!