Hoping for the best? That’s not a strategy.

Have you ever walked out of a meeting, or maybe more importantly, a conversation with a loved one, and thought...that didn't go how I'd hoped it would.

Here's the thing...hope is not a strategy...preparation is.

Do you relinquish your outcomes to someone or something else and hope for the best?  I get it. The times in my life when things didn’t go so well were definitely those times when I didn’t take the time to get clear about what I wanted. I left things to chance and walked into situations feeling less sure of myself, and, when you’re less sure of yourself, the person in the room who is prepared is going to win. Every. Single. Time. Yikes.


I can definitely trace my successes back to one common thread.  When I was clear about what I wanted...my outcome, and I spent time preparing for it, my successes increased exponentially.  I knew exactly how I was going to show up and trusted that this would influence my outcome, and it definitely did. 

How often do you head into an important meeting (or a conversation with a loved one) where the stakes are high and you hope for the best?

When you don't prepare you're putting your "hopes" of a successful outcome in the hands of the other person…because the truth is, the most prepared person will usually get what they want. Hands down.

Whether it's at work or probably, most importantly, at home...where emotions are involved...and with family...they always are, it's even more critical that you do the preparation.

Plan. Prepare. Practice.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

If you're ready to stop relying on hope to get the outcome you want, here are a couple of tips to get you going.

Before your high stakes, no do-over conversation or meeting do this:

  • Plan.

    • Write down your desired outcome, yes write it down "old school" with pen and paper.  This helps to get the learning or in this case the intention in your head.

  • Prepare.

    • Visualize the meeting or conversation playing out how you'd like it to go. Make it vivid, put yourself in the place you'll be, what you'll be wearing...the more detail, the better.

  • Practice.

    • Repetition is key. The more you practice the more relaxed and ready you'll be for the situation.

Are you ready to move from hope to a strategy? Contact me and together we'll get you prepared.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!


*Confidence *Mindset & Performance Coaching

Hoping for the best? That’s not a strategy.