Do you toot your own horn?

Do you toot your own horn? Probably not nearly enough...

Talking about yourself, the things that you've done well, or you're proud of, can be difficult. Especially if you're female, or in a culture where talking about yourself is frowned upon.

Not comfortable with tooting your own horn? You're limiting yourself. How are others supposed to know what you're good at?

Are you comfortable articulating what you have to offer clearly without feeling "braggy"?

I read somewhere that it's not bragging if it's the truth. It's stating facts.

The mistake that you make is that you assume that others know. They don't.

That's YOUR job!

It's time to lead by example. It's time to talk about what I do really well.

A client starting their third session, said to me, "I've been in therapy, worked with social workers and other professionals, and you've done more to help me in the last two sessions than years of therapy* has".

I was humbled and a little speechless and tucked it away.

Then I started reflecting. "How is everyone else supposed to know all of this if I don't talk about it?" So after nine years as a coach, 4.5 years after authoring my first (of three) books and now facilitating my "Connect to Your Confidence" workshops... I'm ready to say - I'm really good at what I do! and I want you to know that. Gulp.

Now it's your turn...

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...


  • Start looking for opportunities to share your strengths.

  • Stop assuming that others know - start telling them.

  • Remember: It's not bragging if it's the truth. It's stating facts.

Writing this felt more than a little uncomfortable, and keeping my offerings to myself isn't helping me or YOU...and ultimately, I want to help YOU.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!


*Therapy is a useful tool and it is not coaching. Likewise, coaching is a useful tool and is not a substitute for therapy.They can coexist.  

Do you toot your own horn? Probably not nearly enough…