Do you really know yourself?

Do you know yourself? Think again...

Most of us walk around thinking just that...I know myself. Who I am. My impact on others and the world.

Do you?

In order to know yourself, you need other people. Other people to show you the blind spots you have and, before you jump to conclusions...I'm referring to the good ones. The skills, strengths or capabilities you have that you can't see...or the way you light up a room and leave people feeling seen and heard. Those things.

And, in order to fully appreciate who you are, the impact you're having, you also need to see the things that may be limiting work, in relationships, in situations. It matters if you care about being the person you think you are.

What can you do?

Get. A. Coach!

What are some of the benefits for you?


There's nothing like an unbiased party whose only job is to help you get clarity. On what? That thing you've been wanting or trying to nail and you're not quite there. Even if you don't know what it is yet, you will discover it...guaranteed. 

In order to know ourselves, we need others. Coaches provide an unbiased perspective. We help you uncover blind spots, recognize patterns of behaviour, and develop a deeper understanding of yourself. We hear you, without an agenda other than to let you hear yourself. Or, often, we let you know the themes that are coming up for you so you can explore them. This awareness is crucial if you truly want to make meaningful changes. 
Increased Confidence and Resilience.

Working with a coach empowers you to tackle challenges with a positive mindset and develop resilience when faced with setbacks. This can help you build confidence in your abilities and cultivate a more proactive approach to overcoming obstacles.

A coach provides a supportive environment where you feel encouraged and motivated...but don't interpret that as rah rah rah...yes we'll celebrate your wins, help you navigate setbacks, and ensure you stay resilient during challenging times...and also provoke you to think differently by challenging your mindset, your default settings so to speak.
Important Reminder.

Your truth tellers aren't always your friends and your friends aren't always your truth tellers. You need both. If you're serious about showing up without leaving a trail of breadcrumbs no one wants to follow, then perhaps it's time to invest in yourself.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...
Before you hire me or any other coach, here are three prerequisites for a successful engagement:

  • You're ready.

    • It's your idea, not someone else's plan for you.

  • You're willing.

    • Coaching isn't all puppies and have to be ready to bump up against some challenges.

  • We're a fit.

    • I can't reiterate this one enough. There are 1000's of coaches out there with the experience, credentials etc. but...if the chemistry isn't there...

Want to see if we're a fit? Contact me and let's set up your FREE chemistry call.



Do you really know yourself?