Can we talk about the illusion of perfection and the myth that everyone else has it all figured out?
One doesn't exist, and the other is a lie.
The reality...failure and mistakes. This IS the real pathway to growth...not smooth sailing.
The much meaning is given to the mistakes. Mistakes tend go to your heart, your core. It's easy to let them define you. It's so human. We look for the negative and we give it more attention than the positive. Think about wouldn't survive if the focus was on the good stuff.
I recently saw a sign on a business that said "Imperfection is a form of freedom" it really landed with me. When you're free to make mistakes - human - there's a liberation that can happen. Are you brave enough to make mistakes?
Freedom comes with accepting this reality and reminding yourself that no one has it all figured out. No one.
This is a myth.
Can we take a moment now to dispel the myth that you're the only one “not in the know?” Here's the thing to one has it all figured out...even the people that look like they do? They don't. This is what separates us. Looking over there and thinking they know it all, and they're looking over at you thinking the same thing. The illusion and myth do not discriminate. No matter what role you may or may not have. In fact, the higher up the food chain, the more likely you are to think that others in the same place as you have it all figured out.
This is isolating, and it's this myth that keeps us apart. The reality is what can bring us together.
The sooner you give up the illusion of perfection, and the myth that everyone else is in the know, the better off you'll be. The only reality is to progress.
Practice. Fail. Learn. Repeat.
Everyone's doing the best they can with what they have. Everyone.
Are you ready?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge...
How would your perspective change if you aligned yourself with the truth that perfection doesn't exist and that no one has it all figured out?
What if imperfection was a form of freedom?
How would making mistakes change?
What if instead of assuming everyone else has it all figured out you understood that this is impossible?
How would you look at your own shortcomings differently?
What if you truly have everything you need right here, right now in this moment?
What would you notice about yourself that you haven't noticed before?
Let's stand shoulder to shoulder to dispel the illusion and the myth. You're doing great.
Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!
Illusion or myth? How about both…