And then...the penny dropped...

When the penny drops...that moment...kind of like an epiphany. When things settle in and you realize "I've got this". That moment.

It could be the realization that:

  • Everything you've been working for has arrived and you kind of forgot to notice it.

    • It just suddenly crept up.

  • You're done and it's time to do something about it.

    • Sometimes you're done with settling for something and ready to take some action.

  • In order to get what you want you're going to have to start doing something differently.

    • Yep, different results require different actions.

That moment that becomes a place for recognition, acknowledgment and often, action. As a coach I'm privileged to witness these moments with my clients quite regularly. Usually there's silence often followed by a rush of emotion.

It's a landing of understanding.

No matter the response, a "penny drop"  moment is so powerful...when all of the dots suddenly seem to connect.  The sum of all of the small actions taken over time. The certainty that only comes with the gift of 20/20 hindsight. Where you realize that everything was necessary and part of something bigger.The transformation that happens through consistent and persistent action. Never giving up, putting in the hours and trusting the process. All of that. That's what goes into building the skillset of confidence.

Confidence is knowing that you can trust your instincts, no second guessing. Having enough competence to reliably trust your skills. 

It's easy to be confident when you've put in the time and are now proficient in a skill.  That's what time and effort do.

What do you do in the meantime? 

Is it time for your own "penny drop moment"?

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Being told that you just need to practice often isn't exactly what someone's looking for. Wanting to feel confident and not knowing where to start is common assured, you CAN tap into existing confidence and use it elsewhere.

Curious?  Maybe it's time to have a chat...

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



And then…the penny dropped…

Are you going to fit in or stand out?

What if you weren't meant to fit in? What if you were meant to stand up and shine? What would change for you?

That's a question, isn't it?  Or a few...

What if you're supposed to be the one blazing the trail and leaving breadcrumbs for the people behind you?

So many questions!  Do you have the answers?

If you're not feeling confident then often the thing that can pop up is "Who do you think you are"? Why should someone listen to you or want to follow in your footsteps? All of the bullsh*t that comes up...when you start questioning yourself...deciding that good enough just isn't good enough anymore. That's when you can expect all of the "things" to show up...the voices in your head, the old mindset that you know so well, and let's not forget the biggie...FEAR.

It goes back to playing small and let's face it, it's the most polite thing to do...right?! Don't get too big for your britches now eh? What the heck are "britches" anyway LOL?!

What if you wanna get too big for your britches? Now what?

What if you're ready to get out of those britches and step into something else?! It can be freaking scary and know that nothing great or earth-shattering comes from your comfort zone... from the  place of having it all figured out. Autopilot. Cozy, comfy...yawn. Nothing ever comes out of that. Sorry, folks...did I just say folks? How old am I!? Old enough to realize that this is true: The 'same old, same old' will give you the 'same old, same old'.

This is something I regularly come across, and not just with the people I comes up all of the time..people wanting something different and being afraid to do what needs to be done to have something different. Humans are complicated!

Unfortunately...when it comes to building your confidence, you can't build it by dreaming about it or wishing for takes work.

It takes work that may be uncomfortable at times. Let's be clear, if you're someone who always lets someone else run the show...and suddenly you decide that now's the time that you're going to show up, be prepared! Expect there to be a few ruffled feathers out there! And...that's okay!

Really. That's okay because at the end of the day, you're accountable for you...accountable for the choices you make, and yes, you have many choices!  It's just that staying with the safe choices seems so much easier and more comfortable, doesn't it?

Is it time to call out your sh*t?

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Time for some exploration.

  • Where are you standing on the sidelines...watching when you could be captain of the team?

    • Safely giving the commentary but not picking up the torch that you know you're ready to hold.

  • What's the dream that you have that you're too afraid to pursue because you'll suddenly be in the spotlight?

    • Your dreams are there for a reason, they're what can pull you forward and give you purpose and here's the rub, you're not necessarily supposed to achieve them. It's about who you become while you're going after them.  That's where the gold is.

  • Fast forward even just 5 years.

    • From this vantage point, what will you regret not doing? Ya, that thing. Now...what's one minuscule step you can take today to move you towards that thing? Do that. 

Are you ready to claim the thing that you are meant to be stand up and shine? I've got your back...let's go!

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Are you going to fit in or stand out?

You're only as strong as your weakest link...

I was doing a stretch after a workout the other day and the person leading the stretch experience said how important stretching was because "you're only as strong as your weakest link". You're probably scratching your head thinking...okay what the heck does this have to do with confidence?

I don't know...something popped that made me think this has a lot to do with confidence...

The links, the other components that may not seem that important. Those things. The things that hold the bigger structure together and give it backbone and flexibility. 

The foundation:

  • Mindset.

    • Knowing that you can change the way you look at things.

  • Trusting yourself.

    • Learning to discern your own voice amongst the din in your head.

  • Your ability to take action when you feel fear.

    • Wanting to freeze and doing it anyway.

These are the key ingredients for "The Confidence Recipe" and...there are the other components that go into the mix as well. The things that are easy to overlook and miss if you're not paying attention.

The other things that can easily slip and result in:

  • Unclear boundaries.

  • Needing validation.

  • Self doubt.

These are the things that can creep in and sabotage the bigger ones. The more subtle things that feed into your mindset, your self trust, and your propensity to take action.  The supporting actors so to speak.

This is a check up for you to see where you are right see if anything’s slipping…

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Take a moment now to check in with ...


  • How are you doing with setting and maintaining boundaries?

    • Remember that boundaries aren't for keeping people out... but for you to protect what matters to you, what's important to you, and keep that IN.

    • They're completely about you...

    • And, in case you've forgotten...  "The only people that will be upset about your boundaries are those that benefited from you having none!"... that's always a mic drop moment for me.

External validation:

  • Seeking external validation?

    • Notice when you fall into this behavior...who exactly are you seeking validation from?

    • What is it about their validation that matters for you?

    • Would you want to switch places with them? Something to ponder.


  • What are some of the causes?

    • Over thinking. 

    • Unrealistic expectations.

    • Perfection.

All of these lead to inaction and a lack of progression in building confidence.

Do you need a "confidence" check up?  Contact me and learn how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



You’re only as strong as your weakest link…

Here's some advice...

Stop giving advice!  Unless...

Has this ever happened to you? You're in the middle of a situation and maybe you want advice and maybe, more times, what you want is an ear...someone to listen, hold space...without vomiting advice all over you. Which, let's face it, is a completely human thing to do! But not always helpful. Take a read and then check out the one simple thing (okay...maybe it's advice) you can do to truly "help" someone...

There are definitely pros and cons's complicated...

There are advantages to getting advice. Perhaps you don't have to solve your problem which can sound really attractive if you're in the middle of something and you're struggling to find a resolution. Boom....someone's fixed you go.  It also makes the advice giver feel pretty important too!  And if things go south? You've got someone else to blame. Sounds like a pretty good deal doesn't it?

But wait...what are the potential pitfalls here? Well, first and foremost...that solution isn't yours and because the solution isn't yours...there's no ownership. If things go're back to square one. Back with a problem that needs to be solved!

What would happen if you went to someone with a problem and they just listened attentively...and you felt it? 

Whether you're a boss, a partner, parent, friend or colleague...listen up! 

It's amazing what can happen when you allow someone to speak without interruption. As they unravel the situation out loud you'll notice that many times they discover their own solution.

What's the benefit of that? This may be underestimated. 

It's THEIR solution so they own it and are more likely to act on it.

It's theirs...whether it works or not, it's either a lesson or a victory for them.  An important step in building confidence and learning to trust oneself.

AND...having said all of this...sometimes people DO want advice!

What are you supposed to do?

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

The next time someone comes to you with a problem, whether it's an employee, child, partner, colleague etc. Instead of jumping to advise them (totally human by the way) try this instead:

  • Stop.

    • Take a breath and then...

  • ASK them:

    • Do you want my advice...or do you want me to listen?

Watch some magic happen. Sometimes all it takes is a silent audience to help someone to come to their own conclusions!

When you give space for someone to talk things out you're helping them more than you think. You're helping them to build their own confidence and trust in themselves, because ultimately...everyone really does have all the skills, strengths and capabilities they need.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me  I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Here’s some advice…STOP giving advice…

Is it a setback or...

Is it a setback or a setup?

Let's face it... setbacks are a part of life. Whether it's in a relationship; with your job; your health...with anything that's a part of your life...setbacks can happen. Often when we look back at the setbacks in our lives, or the things that we defined as setbacks, retrospectively, they were actually setting us up for the next thing that we needed to be ready for. They were the nudge that made us take the other fork in the road, maybe kept us longer in one position than we thought we would stay, or conversely got us out of something more quickly than we thought we would.

The gift of 20/20 hindsight is that it tells you...'oh yeah, that was meant to happen, that's why I'm where I am today'.

It's safe to say: Things don't always work out how you may want them to. Just when you thought you were over yet another hump, another one showed up. A setback. 

It's easy in the moment to find the challenges in a setback - "You're so done, if this wasn't happening you'd… You'd rather be…or you wish…etc."

Cue the 20/20 hindsight.  Wouldn't it be so useful if you could magically look ahead and check your rearview mirror? From this vantage point what might you see?  Often, with hindsight, a "setback" is  what became the setup. A "stepping stone" of sorts.  It's usually not obvious in the moment, that's why hindsight seems to be the key. When you're in the thick of the forest it's hard to see actual trees.

There's usually some wisdom to be gained from looking at how you've managed setbacks in the past.  Looking back can be useful because... you made it through. You can see how the setback paved the way for something else. It's about who you became as a result.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

If you're in the middle of what feels like a setback now, here's a way to get some perspective on it.

Think of a setback you had in the past that you now believe was actually a setup for something that wouldn't have been possible otherwise.

  • As you do, notice what things looked like through your eyes at the time.

  • If someone else was in this situation, how would they describe it?

  • If you backup a bit more, what might an onlooker have said about this situation?

  • If it was a story or someone was writing a blog about it, what would it say?

Get up and go for a walk or just stretch and move for a couple of minutes or so.

Now think about something you're currently facing that feels like a setback.

  • Think about the situation from your perspective.

  • How might someone else who's involved in this situation describe it?

  • Back it up further and notice how a bystander might describe it.

  • If you look ahead a few years, how would you describe this situation to someone else?

Sometimes, a setback is an opportunity to progress and grow elsewhere. The opening for the next thing you're meant to be doing, having or being.

When it comes to growing your confidence there's no exception, especially when the setbacks may seem to happen more often than you'd like. They really are the building blocks you require to grow your confidence.  And like any other perceived'll eventually be able to see clearly from the rearview mirror how all the pieces came into place. 

100% certainty on anything is only guaranteed in the rearview mirror...

Keep've got this!

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me  I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Is it a setback or a setup?

What's the benefit of that thing you repeatedly do? 

What's the benefit of that thing you repeatedly do? 

This is probably the most difficult thing that my clients (and myself!) are asked to do when they are spinning in a pattern of behaviours that isn't getting them the results they want. 

Finding the benefit.

This question can be confronting for sure especially when you’re looking outside of yourself to find the reasons for the things you do or don’t do.  Often the answers are just out of your grasp and with work, you can find them.

I feel you…I've been you... and as humans we don't repetitively do something that doesn't give us some kind of benefit. The key is when you find it, you can look at different ways of getting that benefit, different ways that may open up new opportunities for you rather than keeping you stuck.

Here's the catch… you have to do the work. There's no way of avoiding it. Looking for someone else to give you the answers would be so much easier wouldn’t it!?  It might help temporarily and, because they’re not your answers, you will eventually end up right back where you are. Stuck in the old pattern of behaviour.

Whatever it is underneath that's guiding your behaviours....that's the ticket. Once you figure that out you can actually start to take real action to make changes...if that's what you want.

Like anything, noticing is the first step...the epiphany. What you do next is up to you. Are you going to stay stuck where you are with this new knowledge or are you going to take a step?

You can keep running or you can stop and take a pause and decide:

  • That you're going to learn...but you're not going to marinate in it.

  • You're going to reflect...but you're not going to let it define you.

You can move forward with the knowledge and choose your next step carefully.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Habits are strong.  Yes, continuous behaviours are habits too. You have to find the benefit of doing what you're currently doing...or not doing.  There's always a benefit. Humans don't do something repeatedly without a benefit.

Let's say that the behaviour that's getting in the way of doing what you say you want to do is people pleasing

  • Ask yourself:

    • What are the benefits of people pleasing?  Yes...there are benefits. For example, you avoid confrontation or keep the peace.

  • Now ask yourself:

    • How else could I get these benefits?  It may take time, and you can learn skills to get what you want without confrontation.  I think they're called boundaries...

    • See what comes up for you. 

Take an example of your own behaviour and ask yourself these questions.

What else may help?

  • What's your "why" for addressing this behaviour?

    • Make sure it's yours. Not something someone else thinks you should do. Your "why” is what will pull you forward. You need to remember why you want to make this change.

  • Make sure you have a strategy in place for when things get difficult.

    • It could be as simple as saying: If xxx happens, then I will do yyy - and practicing it so you're ready when the time comes.

Be consistent. Be persistent. The key to success is in taking small steps daily.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me  I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



What’s the benefit of that thing you repeatedly do??

I've got nothing...again...

Oh, I've been trying and I know that that never bodes well...efforting.  Trying to muscle through. Forcing. All of this doesn't work for me. How about you? 

It happens...

What's cool about it this time?  I can see the pattern now. The pattern that has repeated itself for many, and I mean many years now!!

The ebb and the flow, the ease and effort, and then? The dip. The empty space in between. I'm not a fan of this part, although I absolutely recognize it as part of my process. Ugh...

My third book "The Confidence Recipe" was recently published.  You would think that I'd be over the moon. I'm happy about it for sure. The accomplishment. The final product.

And, like most people? The achievement isn't the prize.

What do I mean by this?

It's the climb to the mountain top. The path taken that scrapes your knees and grows you in ways you wouldn't have grown otherwise. The process, the journey, whatever you may call it. Once you're at the top? You look around and then...

For me? I start looking for the next thing and feel anxious if I can't see it right away.  Maybe you can relate?

What do you do?

I've decided that today I'm giving myself some grace. Answering a question from a  page out of my own's definitely easier said than done, and yet it's necessary. To pause, reflect and savour.

allowing yourself some time before you jump to the next thing.

Where could you use some grace today? Where could you slow down and savour where you are, right here, right now?

To be okay with doing absolutely nothing. To phone it in. To take a break.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Find a situation where you're just not feeling it. You know what it is.Then...give yourself some grace.  Ask yourself:

  • Will pushing harder help?

  • If I take a break, what will happen?

  • What if I slow down and savour where I am, right here, right now?

My guess is, the world won't fall apart!

Give yourself some grace...see you next week!

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me  I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



I’ve got nothing…again…

Any regrets? It's never too late...

Can we talk about regret?  Possibly the most bitter pill to swallow... 

Maybe not the most exciting topic to talk about and probably the one I come up against fairly often in my work. Thankfully it's usually helping people to recognize that if they don't do something, whatever it is, then regret can be a result.

The regret of inaction, the not doing of the thing that's pulling at their heart. They get to realize that they: can apply for that job; start that book; reinvent themselves; work on their dream; or do whatever it is that they're holding back on.

Or it could be things like: having that tough conversation they've been putting off; finally saying no; setting a boundary; standing up for themselves etc. 

Let's face it... no one looks back and says "oh I'm so glad I didn't (you can fill in the blank here)" ...nope... that's never what happens. It's the looking back and thinking "Ah shit...I wish I'd done that" or, maybe worse "I should've done that". Those are the words of regret. Woulda...shoulda...coulda... But you didn't. 

One thing all of these people tend to have in common is a story they're hanging on to that tells them they can't do something. These stories are often related to long ago things that no longer exist that created self-doubt. This self-doubt that's holding them back contributes to a sense of fear and prevents them from taking that first step into the unknown. Sigh. If this sounds all too are not alone!

Don't let this be you! It's not too're not too old, too young, too...
Or maybe for're not don't deserve it...
none of this is true!

YOU have time. You're reading this now. What is it that you have deep down in your heart that you're yearning to do?  What are you holding back on?

Because of our natural tendency to have a negative bias, the voices of self-doubt can be so much louder than the voices of self-confidence.

Do you find yourself looking over at someone else who's doing that thing you want to do, and feel empty?

Is it time to take another look at that thing that keeps coming up?

As you know, I recently published my third book and the number of conversations I've had since with people who've told me about "their book", the one in their heart or the one that's already written but not "out there" are too numerous to count. The reasons vary but the sentiment is there...they're already regretting not doing it yet.

Maybe it's not a book for you. You know what it is. It's never far from your heart. Whatever you're thinking. By delaying it, what are you gaining? 

Is today gonna be that day? The day that you decide that the bitterness of regret down the road creates more fear than actually taking a step? That day.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge for the next week...

Have you heard of Diana Nyad*?  There's a movie out right now called "Nyad" and I found it so powerful that I wanted to share the three things she said once she completed her marathon swim from Cuba to Florida.

  • Never, ever give up.

    • Not starting is giving up.

    • What's one thing you can do now to start the ball rolling?

  • You're never too old to chase your dreams.

    • Truth.

    • Maybe this isn't what's holding you back. Take a moment to find your excuse.

  • It takes a team!

    • Are you trying to do it on your own?

    • Start to hang out with people who've done what you want to do...or are a few steps ahead of you.

What lies between fear and regret? Inaction. So get out your excuses, and find your team!

Is today going to be "that day" for you? 

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me  I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



My new book/journal "The Confidence Recipe"  is now available and I can't wait for you to experience it!! Buy it!!

Why work with me?  As a Confidence Coach, I help you to be intentional in all of your interactions. Especially those where there's no "do-over".  Contact me  Let's get started!

Diana Nyad*

Any regrets? It’s never too late…

You're doing it right...really!

You're doing it right!

No matter what “it” may be…

How often, especially when you're learning a new you look around you to make sure that you're "doing it right"?”

I remember those days...and I still get those little nudges every now and then, usually when I'm new to something and building my competence. I  don't know about you, but I still catch myself checking around me to make sure I'm in line with others who may be doing a similar thing to me. Sound familiar? If so, you're in good company !

The thing is...competence automatically breeds confidence. Unfortunately, you may not have enough time before you have to do that thing to be completely if there's such a thing...  Because confidence comes from doing, and if you're not doing because you're waiting...well, you can see how this can create a conundrum!

I received some really useful feedback when I was new at a skill and concerned that I wasn't  "getting it right". The person I was working with turned to me and said "don't compare your insides to someone else's outside". Right there in that moment what they essentially were saying to me was...don't think I have it all figured out ...I just look like I do. That didn't land with me for a long time. Eventually, I realized it was true. Most people tend to feel the same way... they get nervous and look at someone who looks as cool as a cucumber and think they've got all figured out. They don't!

Let's talk about you...where are you checking behind you, ahead of you, beside you, looking to see who's doing something like you and checking to make sure you're doing it 'right'?

When you're building competence it's useful to have some sort of template to follow, and, eventually it's going to be time to bust out of that and really create your own flavour, so to speak. Easier said than done because fitting in is so ingrained in our DNA. We're wired for it. Damn.

Think about it... how does innovation happen? The surgeon follows the path initially and then comes up with a new technique that changes the whole face of that procedure. That's innovation. Someone trusting their own way of doing something and putting it out there. Yup, knees are gonna be skinned, that's what happens. And without taking those chances to skin your knees a bit you're going to end up with the same old, same old, and that's not good for you, or anyone else. We need innovators. We need your unique style of doing things!

So this is a friendly reminder that you're on're doing OK and we want to see your way of doing it!

Is it time to create your own recipe of what you bring to the table? 

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge for the next week...

Think of somewhere in your life right now that you're holding back from truly showing up. Trust the thing that came up for you.  You know it...that brain of yours doesn't give you random shit.

Some things to consider as you ponder that thing that you're holding back on:

  • Time and experience definitely help you to feel more competent and ultimately...confident. Fact.

    • How long have you been waiting?

  • Take a moment to look ahead, even just a year or two.

    • If you keep on sitting on this thing, how are you going to feel?

  • The answer to the above question?

    • Most often, the response is REGRET. Sit in that.

  • What's really holding you back?

    • Often the answer to this one, in addition to all of your excuses, is the underlying fear and lack of confidence. Oh boy do I see you!

I want to tell you (and maybe myself too?!)  that within you is a storehouse of confidence. Maybe you've lost track of it, but it's there for sure and reconnecting with that confidence is possible. It can be a way of fast tracking your confidence for the thing you're waiting on. For real!

What's stored away that you could reconnect to? 

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me  I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



You’re doing it right…really!!

Possible or impossible?

Possible or impossible? It depends...on you and your mindset.

Once you consider something suddenly becomes more probable.


Time and again I have seen this play out with myself and others. 

A few years back I considered publishing a book*.  I didn't know where to start.  Then I "happened" to run into someone with a marketing background, asked them a couple of questions and the next thing I knew, I was connected with a graphic artist and the journey began.  One dream. One question, and the momentum began. The momentum grew and the connections seemed to start appearing.  Truly, once you consider something possible, it does become more probable. For real.

The simple act of allowing yourself to dream, or believe that something is possible, actually opens the door to making it a reality.

Your conscious mind, you know, the one that tends to chatter at you and have all kind of opinions, is actually the director of what goes on behind the scenes. It's like dropping a pin in your navigational app. It sets your direction. The unconscious mind then takes it from there. It starts to scan for ways to make that thing happen for you.

You can call it woo woo if you’d like and, respectfully, you’d be wrong.

Ever have an experience where you purchased something, let's say a new red car. What happens next? All of a sudden, all you see on the roads around you are red cars. What happened? Did everyone else all of a sudden decide to purchase a red car? Nope. Those cars have been there all along.

What changed? You. Your reticular activating system (RAS) took what you were focusing on and created a filter for it. Essentially, your brain started to sift through all the information around you and presented only the pieces that were important to you. All of this happens without you noticing, of course.  Your brain is now noticing what was already all around you.

This happens in all sorts of situations. What you're focusing on sends that brain of yours scanning for things to help you get it.

This is how dreaming about, or believing that you can have or achieve something, can work. Once you make that decision, your brain will scan to find opportunities for you.  

Be skeptical. And then try it!

Any possibility starts with the willingness to believe and then taking a small step...

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge for the next week...

What goal have you been putting on hold because you think it's impossible?  Maybe it's time to take a closer look?

  • Take some time to dream. Yes, dream.

    • What's your dream? 

    • Believe it or not, you're limited mostly by your attitude and how you look at things.

  • Now start  thinking of your goal.

    • Get really clear.

    • The more specific you are the better.

  • What result do you want to achieve?

    • Make a movie in your head of how you would like it to look.

    • Include lots of sensory details: sounds, sights and feelings.

  • What exactly are you waiting for?

    • Make a list of the reasons why you think you have to wait.

The reasons may be varied but often, the theme is: It's not possible now. The idea that there's going to be a perfect time may be the biggest lie you're telling yourself. Life will continue to happen, like it always does - with zero guarantees. 

What if you challenge your list? Yes, question it.

  • What's one thing you could do right now to move you one step closer to that ultimate goal?

  • Take one step, it could be asking someone you know who has already done this thing to chat with you;  or it could be to look it up on the internet and see what's already out there.

Any possibility starts with the willingness to believe and then taking the first small step...

Not sure where to start? 
Contact me Let's get you started!

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me  I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Possible or impossible> It depends…on you…