..ask any three year old!
You don't have to be a parent to understand this one...you were a three year old once!
My neighbour is babysitting her grandchildren, and one of them just happens to be three years old. As my neighbour chats to me, the three year old tugs on her sleeve, determined to get her attention. It works. Three year old kids have a knack for NOT giving up. They know what they want and they get laser focused on it. A skill you could use perhaps?
Persistence is what's necessary when you think you've exhausted all options. It's staying "with it" when others would typically give up. Quite simply, it's taking the things you do consistently and being persistent about them.
Remember consistency? Showing up and doing the work - it pays off in the long run. How exactly do you keep doing the work, especially when you may not feel like doing it? That's where being persistent comes in. Taking those habits you've honed and continuing to do them...no matter what. Keeping your eye on the prize, and getting back on track when you drift. Knowing that the detour is part of it, and sometimes necessary.
Sometimes, taking a conscious break is actually part of the process, and what fuels the next leg of the journey. It could be exactly what you need to reenergize and get going again!
Where could you use a nudge to get back to that thing you want? You still want it, right?
Are you willing to give it a try?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge for the next week...
Channel your inner three year old!
Check in with yourself, maybe on one specific goal you're working towards, and ask yourself the following:
Am I giving up too soon?
Channel your inner three year old - how might they advise you?
What might be possible if you kept at it for just a little longer?
Could taking a break be exactly what you need to get the energy to keep going?
Trust your inner three year old and channel that persistence!
Need a reminder of all of your skills, strengths and capabilities? Contact me They're all still there. I promise.
Stay safe and well.
Persistence will pay off…