Why are you putting that thing off?
The time is going to pass anyway…and, here’s the hard truth…you’re never going to feel ready.
Maybe you didn't say it, but...it's pretty common, you may be putting that thing off until you have it exactly figured out: you have the perfect website: the elegant elevator pitch; or whatever excuse you are holding on to. Those things that you think will bring a sense of confidence so you can step into that thing you want to do.
Here's a little secret...confidence is an ongoing process.
There’s no wand to wave, no YouTube* or TikTok video to watch (although they may help for sure). It's a process. Once you gather the confidence for one thing, another thing comes along and you’re back at the start again. Except, you’re not. When you understand that it’s a process, you can move through it more quickly. It doesn’t mean that it will feel comfortable but it can feel familiar and your brain likes that.
Do you have a process for growing your confidence? Whether you do or don't, here are some tips for you today...something I like to refer to as "The Confidence Recipe" and, like any recipe, there's room to add, remove or replace to make it suit your taste.
Let's start with the basics and you can take it from there:
Choosing Courage Over Fear. Any change is scary. Even the changes for very good reasons. Blame it on your brain and its desire to keep you alive above all other things. It prefers the status quo...much easier to manage and not practical at all if you want to live a fulfilled life.
Your mindset. It affects everything. Everything. The way you think is habitual. Glass half-full, half-empty, or completely refillable? It matters and it's possible to change it.
Trust yourself. You have so much wisdom available to you if you'd only stop and pay attention from time to time. It's typical to default to the logic in your head but paying attention to the wisdom in your body is powerful.
Practice, fail, learn, repeat....and perhaps the one that gets left out...Forgive. It's not going to be perfect and you have to start somewhere.
Ready to give it a whirl?
Let’s get to it…
Your challenge…
Think about something that you've been wanting to get going on, doesn't matter how big or small it is.
Step One.
Ask yourself, where's one small opportunity here to choose courage over fear? Simple? Yes. Easy? It's a practice. The practice starts with the smallest of steps.
Step Two.
Checking in with your mindset. This can be a bit of a wake-up call if you've always approached things with the "what's going to go wrong" mindset. It's potentially retraining your brain after years of a negative default. It IS possible. The first step here? Notice what your current mindset default is.
Step Three.
Trust Yourself. Get quiet. Listen to YOURSELF. Practice quietening those voices in that head of yours that are all too eager to tell you what you "should" do. You have everything you need in this moment. Just get started.
Step Four.
Practice, fail, learn, repeat....and perhaps the one that gets left out...forgive. Anything that you're doing for the first few times may be a bit bumpy. Don't let that stop you. Confidence grows with practice.
Check-in with yourself and that thing you want to do. What's different now when you approach that thing with a process?
You've got this.
If you're ready to start growing your confidence Contact me You have all of the skills, strengths, and capabilities you need. Let’s work together and reconnect you with them!
* https://youtube.com/@anndeluca8060
I just started a YouTube channel! Feel free to subscribe:)