Could you be more prepared?


Why is preparation so important?

Think of the simple things first.

  • Would you go outside in the rain without an umbrella or raincoat of some sort?

  • Would you plan a camping trip without taking a look at your tent to see if there are any holes in it?

  • Would you go on a road trip without putting some gas in your car?

Why would you do those things?

To ensure you have a good experience (whatever the experience may be) by mitigating what could go wrong and being proactive. Because planning and preparation matters, especially in high-stakes situations.

Yet, how many times do you leave things to chance when you're heading into high-stakes scenarios where there's a lot on the table? The equivalent of not checking your tent or getting gas...

Intentional preparation
is the key to getting what you want. It doesn't mean you’ll get what you want all the time, AND I can guarantee if you DON'T prepare, you probably won't get what you want.   It's about knowing what your intention is so that when you head into that meeting or conversation you're clear about what you hope to achieve. Because here's the thing...the person who knows what they want and does the preparation before heading into a situation is more likely to achieve the outcome they want. Mic drop. 

Contrary to some schools of thought, you have to do the work to get what you want and that does require some sort of preparation. Perhaps it's reading up on the latest information regarding what you're asking for so that you have your facts straight or checking in with the counterarguments that you may be faced with.

It's never a one-and-done! Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Are you ready to be more prepared? Ready to stand more of a chance of getting what you want to achieve? Start by choosing one small thing you have coming up where you want to have the best chance of being successful.

Let's get started...


  • Intention.

    • What do you want to achieve?

    • Remember last week's blog? Make sure you're focusing on what you WANT not what you don't want!


  •  Do your homework:

    • There's probably one or more people in this situation. What might they want to achieve?

    • Seems obvious and yet you can get tunnel vision when you're focused on what you want.


  • Practice.

    • What skills or strengths do you have that you can bring to this situation? Call them to mind.

    • Remember there's another party there. Anticipate what they may say. Practice your responses.


  • Repeat.

    • I KNOW! I say this a lot!! That's because you need to practice to build a skill!!

When you start to make intentional preparation a part of your routine, you're going to notice that you start getting the results you want more consistently. Pretty cool.

A big part of what I offer as a Confidence Coach is, helping you to be intentional in all of your interactions. Especially those where there's no "do-over". 

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me  I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Could you be more prepared? Probably…

Are you being clear?

Maybe not…

...don't be late, don’t worry, don't step in the puddle, don't forget the milk...

Parents, bosses, friends, people! Are you being clear?

Are you telling people what you want or what you don't want? I'm not trying to be facetious here, we're really good at expressing what we don't want...all good information for sure, AND... how much more useful would it be to be super clear on what you DO want?

Here's a quick example of how easily and readily we do this...

I'm walking past an elementary school yard on day one of school this past week. As I do, I overhear a teacher saying to her class as they're rushing to the playground  "Don't fight over the bicycles."  I smile to myself, it's such a natural thing to say, however, the way our brains process this is, in order to "not fight", they have to think about fighting first and then think about not doing it. I know it sounds weird but any time you say don't to somebody the first thing they have to do is think about doing that thing that you don't want them to the kids have to think about fighting, you have to think about forgetting the milk, about stepping in the puddle...before you get to the part about 'not' doing's tricky, right?! Just a small example of how we tend to be really clear on what we don't want and maybe not so good at articulating exactly what we do want, which, let's face it, is so much easier for everyone.

How many times have you said "Don't forget to pick up the milk (or whatever it is)" It's a habit and we all do it. I want to suggest that being clear on what you want in the little things will translate over to the big things and that's going to be really useful if speaking with confidence and getting results is in your plans.

Stating what we want is so much more useful. So what could that teacher have said?

  • Intention.

    • Be conscious of what action she wants the kids to take.

    • Instead of "not fighting" what would she prefer that the kids DO?

    • Articulate that to the kids. Maybe something like, remember to take turns on the bicycles.  

  • Practice.

    • Being intentional is so powerful if you practice it and learn to put it into place and not just on the playground. Knowing how you want to "be" in a situation and then practicing it. e.g. clear, focused, confident, etc.

  • And in the case of the milk? Instead of saying "Don't forget to pick up the milk" - maybe try "Remember to pick up the milk". 

What does this have to do with building your confidence?

One of the Hallmarks of a confident person? They're intentional. They get clear on what they want and then they practice getting it. Part of that intention is thinking through the scenario they're going to be in. Asking themselves: How do I want to show up in this situation?  Maybe drawing on their own previous experiences or modeling how they want to be on someone they know or a character in a movie who has the qualities they would like to have in that particular situation. Regardless, they work on it. A lot, until these practices become a habit.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Are you ready to be more aware of asking for what you want, whether it's a behaviour from a kid, partner, or employee or a particular result in the boardroom?


  • Notice!

    • Seems obvious and it's true.  You can't do something about a habit until you know you're doing it and this linguistic habit isn't limited to one thing, you're going to notice that it shows up everywhere! So starting with noticing is a big deal.

    • This applies to what your inner voice is saying as well...a whole other blog I'm thinking...


  • Intention.

    • Be conscious of what you're trying to achieve.

    • If it's action-related, ask yourself "What do I want this person to DO?" vs. "Not do".

    • Or it could be, how do you want to show up?


  • Practice.

    • Practice articulating what you want before you actually say it, especially in those high-stakes situations.

    • Being intentional is so powerful if you practice it and learn to put it into place. 

    • Knowing how you want to "be" in a situation and then practicing it. e.g. clear, focused, confident, etc. until it just becomes your natural way of being.

When you start to make this change a habit, you're going to notice that you start getting the results you actually want. Pretty cool.

A big part of what I offer as a Confidence Coach is, helping you to be intentional in all of your interactions. Especially those where there's no "do-over". 

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me  I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Are you being clear? Maybe not…

It's take some inventory!

The days are shorter, the nights cooler, and it's back to school.  Even if you're not going "back to school" you definitely know what I mean.  The feeling of a fresh start, new things to learn and do.  The sensation in your stomach when you know you're on to something exciting.

September,  the informal end of summer. It always brings a sense of renewal and fresh energy. The potential for new beginnings is all around you.

It's a New Year kind of feeling, and, like a New Year, September provides you with the opportunity to change direction. 

It's a great time to take some inventory.  

Have you noticed how much you've grown since January? Taking inventory is exactly like it suggests - noticing what you have and what you don't have - and not necessarily in the material sense. In fact, I'd like to suggest that it's probably the other aspects of your life that you may want to check in with that can be instrumental in deciding how you will spend your energy for the next four months. 

Here's a nudge to get you thinking...maybe some of this will resonate with you: 

  • ️The time's going to pass anyway so stop settling for something you don't want, whether it's a job, relationship...whatever it deserve to be fulfilled.

    • Regret is a hard pill to swallow.

  • Things aren't always what you expect them to be.

    • If the plans you laid out for the year aren't working out...make adjustments, including letting them go!

  • ️Acknowledge that change is scary and, in addition to the naysayers, your own biology is going to work against you.

    •  Recognize this and take a step. Even being intentional about what you want is a start.

  • ️Every now and then, check in with your mindset.

    • This in and of itself can change your trajectory.  Look for the bright spots and focus on them. Then notice how more tend to show up.

Are you satisfied with how things are shaping up for 2023, or are you ready to shift gears? If a “course correction” is required, what action are you going to take? 

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

This exercise will illuminate areas that you want to focus on, which will naturally pull your attention away from the things that may not be a priority for you anymore.

  • Will you take 10 minutes or so to reflect on how far you've come this year? 

    • You can think about it however, I recommend actually putting pen to paper for this and writing non-stop to let the yarn unravel. That's what happens when you write non-stop, new information is often revealed.

  • Once you've done that, continue to write the ending that you want to have for 2023.

    • Same suggestion: either think about it or write non-stop for 10 minutes. You may be surprised by what surfaces on the paper for you.

  • Visualize it and make it vivid. Imagine this New Year's Eve and what you want to look back on. What will tell you it was a good year for you?

    • What did you let go of this year?

    • What new things did you discover about yourself?

    • What was that brave step you took that helped you turn the corner?

    • What else?

If you keep doing what you’re doing, is this ending likely to happen? If not, take some time to think about what you need to do to finish up how you’d like. You may need to alter your plans to get there but know that you probably have more choices than you think you do. 

If you're not feeling confident about the way your year is shaping up: Contact me  I don't want you to be looking back four months from now, regretting not taking that first step.



It’s time…to take some inventory!

You're not a need to unplug to recharge...

You’re not a battery…you need to unplug to recharge.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”. Ferris Bueller.

It’s still summertime, have you taken a break yet? Something to note as we move towards "back to school/work/regular life - whatever that means for you"...Maybe Ferris Bueller was onto something here? 

There's still some time to take a pause, recharge, and reset.

Pausing to check in with yourself, is a gift that many of you don’t give yourself. When you’re on the constant treadmill of life, it can be easy to forget about taking time for yourself.

What does a pause look like?

From taking an actual vacation to finding moments in your day; a pause is a chance to step back, catch your breath, and reset.

Why does making time to pause matter? There are so many benefits:

  • Getting a chance to step away from something gives you a chance to gain a new perspective on it.

    • Something as simple as getting up and going for a walk can be enough to refresh you and provide you with insights into a problem that you would never get if you stayed focused on it. Apparently, there’s research that shows that active rest, like pursuing a hobby, sport, or anything else where you are moving instead of sitting, boosts creativity and productivity!

  • It can recharge your batteries.

    • When you charge an actual battery, you plug it in. But you’re not a battery! In order to recharge your human batteries you need time to rest and take breaks from screens or other environmental ‘noise’. This is ultimately what can recharge your human batteries. They say everything works better if you unplug it. Yourself included. When you do this, a funny thing can happen. You may feel refreshed and re-energized.

    • You actually can gain momentum by slowing down and taking a break. New ideas come in those moments when you’re doing something else.

  • If nothing else, taking a break of any length can serve as a reset. A new baseline to move from.

So what can you do?

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Here are some suggestions to consider to refresh your energy.

Reconnect with:

  • A hobby you never find time to do.

  • Nature. Get out and sit by a tree or go for a walk.

  • Your partner, dog, cat, or an old friend.

  • Yourself. You may just find that by slowing down, you discover something new about you.

It's still summertime, truly the perfect opportunity to pause, step back, and reflect before you dive back into all of the activities that autumn can bring. Take advantage of it.

Every now and then, stop and take a look around, take in the scenery. Check-in with all of your senses. Really. Track through your body, and maybe notice your breath or balance. Listen to the sounds around you, near and far. Notice the picture unfolding around you and take in the details. All of it. Savour it. Put it into your mental bank account and then withdraw it anytime you need a quick break.

Just like Ferris Bueller said…"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”.  And, you don't want to miss it!

Have you been thinking about chatting with me? Contact me September is a perfect time to look at change!


You’re not a battery…you need to unplug to recharge…

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right... Henry Ford

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right... Henry Ford

Love this quote. In my mind, nothing sums up mindset like this…

Mind over matter? I know... some people don't believe that it matters what, and maybe more importantly, how you think. 

This is not about toxic positivity at all.  This is about the moment-to-moment situations you may find yourself in where, for a split second,  you can make a choice.  Pretty much anytime. Given the option, why wouldn't you choose to think optimistically?

I just got back from a vacation in Northern Ontario and spent most of the time outdoors hiking. While hiking one day in a stunning and pretty rugged provincial park I ran into a group of five women who asked me to take their picture.  We started chatting and they told me that they'd been meeting up for about 29 years now to canoe, hike, and up until recently, camp. These women ranged in age from 75 to 88, and they were full-on badass. Not only physically fit, their attitude was inspiring.  What struck me about these women is exactly what I'm talking about...mindset. Doing what they do is a no-brainer for them. They come together all the way from BC to remote parts of Ontario and elsewhere....because,  as one of them said to me..." this matters, this is important". There's no question about confidence in this group, they defined it.


Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right... HF

How does this relate to growing your confidence? 

  • If you always call to mind the times in your life when you weren't confident then that's what your brain's gonna do...look for evidence to support that thought. That's how the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in your brain works. Whatever you focus on, it'll find evidence to support it

  • Likewise,  if you're able to call to mind times when you were confident and you focus on those experiences then, your brain will accommodate that as well and start looking for more evidence to support that.

It's cool that way. 

So here's your thought for today. When you're thinking about something that you want to be, have, or do, check in with your mindset, because if you're already thinking you can't...why bother? Really. Decide to choose possibilities, confidence... choose you. Choose optimism.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Whether you're working on something new, entering a new phase in your life, or looking for something different, whatever the case may matters how you're thinking.

When your brain starts to take you down the path of self-doubt and fear, here are some suggestions for you:

  • Pay attention.

    • Seems obvious but we tend to go to autopilot, well, automatically, so you may not even notice that it's happening. Start to pay attention.

  • Question yourself.

    • In your head or out loud. Ask yourself. Is what I'm thinking about this situation and my capabilities really true?

  • Pause.

    • Wait for the answer to the question above. If you really pay attention, one will come, usually as a whisper and you may be surprised to find that what you're thinking isn't true at all. It's your autopilot response.

  • Make the choice.

    • Yes, "the choice". Decide that you're going to choose an optimistic mindset this time.

  • Take action.

    • My favourite way to shift my mindset. Take a step in the direction of that thing you want to have, be, or do.

  • Repeat.

    • Often. This is a practice. Be gentle with yourself. That autopilot brain of yours is determined to win. Repetition of this process makes it more likely that you'll eventually be able to interrupt this pattern and gradually, ever so gently, shift your mindset.

This works. I promise. Simple but not easy. It takes commitment and awareness and you don't have to do it alone!  

If you want help learning to shift your mindset Contact me I promise you, it will make a huge difference in how you look at the world and definitely grow your confidence!


*One of the three pillars of my personal confidence recipe.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right…Henry Ford

Keeping your head...

Keeping your head when everyone else is losing theirs isn't's a SKILL!

Keeping your cool, keeping it together when things are going sideways.  You can learn this.

I have a funny story to share with you.  A "few" years back... just four months into my new position at a new company and the morning of the day I was giving my first big presentation to the entire functional unit, this happened...

As I was running back and forth, loading my car and probably rushing my kids to get ready for daycare, a squirrel somehow managed to jump out of my mailbox and proceeded to run up the stairs, right into the bathroom where my daughter was brushing her teeth! To say it was an interesting morning is probably an understatement!  What did I do?  I ran upstairs, closed the bathroom door, and left a squirrel in my tub! I dropped my very excited kids off at daycare, headed to the office, and successfully delivered my presentation,which went off without a hitch. I think probably because I decided that what mattered most at that moment was how I showed up for that presentation. More important than worrying about the squirrel in my bathroom**.

What I didn't consciously realize then that I fully get now is that I was managing my "state" you, me, everyone, at any given time is "being" or showing up.

Your "state" is essentially:

  • Your thoughts.

  • Your physiology.

  • Your feelings.

at any given time.

Just so you know, we usually operate on autopilot, not even aware of how we are feeling, thinking, or moving. This is a good thing for the most part because you want to be able to do things and not constantly be thinking about them. However, when you get knocked off balance, it's useful to be able to pivot and get intentional.

There are always going to be things that knock you off your game, whether you're at home, work, or in the grocery store and maybe they won't be as exciting as a squirrel running into your house on the morning of a big presentation! Maybe you'll have an issue with your car or you get a text from someone who irritates you or something happens and all of a sudden you're not focusing on what really matters at the moment. You get thrown off your game.

How do you manage yourself, and your state when things get a little unexpectedly chaotic?

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Like any new skill, it takes practice to show up with intention, to know how you want to be when others are losing their cool.

Here are some tips to get you started when it comes to managing yourself when sh*t hits the fan:

Imagine how you would like to show up.

  • Notice your thoughts.

    • If you're in a situation where you want to keep your head, what would be useful for you to keep in mind? Literally, for you to think about, maybe it's a role model you have who is good in a crisis.

  • Notice your feelings or emotions.

    • How would you like to feel? Perhaps it's focused or clear? Pick something that would be useful for you.

  • Check in with your physiology.

    • This is probably the most underrated secret weapon that you have.  You can change both your thoughts and your feelings by changing your body.  Not kidding. can be as simple as changing how you're breathing. Seriously. 

Once you decide how you'd like to show up...practice. How? By calling to mind real, lived experiences you've had when your thoughts, feelings, and physiology were aligned with how you want to show up. Practice each one individually and practice them one after another.  Then try them out in real situations and see what changes in how you show up.

If you want help learning this skill Contact me I promise you, it will make a huge difference in how you show up. 


Keeping your head when everyone else is losing theirs…is a SKILL!

I said yes...and now...

…I'm losing my sh*t a little...

You'd think that someone who makes their living as a "Confidence" Coach would never feel nervous.

Well... you'd be wrong!  I am human after all...

In my last blog I talked about saying yes and not avoiding opportunities because of fear.  I also mentioned that I'm practicing saying yes and then figuring it out...What the heck was I thinking??!!

I have an event coming up on the weekend and the feeling I'm getting in my chest and stomach is REAL! And...I know despite those feelings, I'm going to be fine.  Although it certainly doesn't feel that way right now!

How does it feel right now? Freaking Scary!

How about you?  Have you ever said yes to something and then had all the very REAL feelings that may go with it? For me it's my chest and stomach, maybe for you, it's somewhere else?

I want to let you know that this is completely normal and it doesn't go away...EVER. That's not to say that you don't learn ways to manage it and lessen some of the physical sensations and mental chatter, it just becomes a part of the process. The process you're gonna have to become friends with if living a life that's fulfilling and exciting matters to you.

For you? Maybe it's not about being in front of an audience and I'm guessing that something came to mind where you too get the wiggly stomach and chest.  Whatever the case may be, it's about not settling for less because your amygdala wants to run the show.  There ARE things we can do to manage this and do the things we want to do.

Are you ready?

Let’s get to it…

Your challenge…

You said yes...bravo!  Now what? How do you manage all of those very REAL sensations that are going to come up for you?

  • Acknowledge.

    • Trying to run away from how you're feeling pretty much works NEVER. Acknowledge how you're feeling. Really notice where in your body any sensations may be coming up.

  • Identify.

    • Once you've acknowledged how you're feeling, in my case, I call it a "wiggly" stomach and chest. - label it. Maybe it's nervous. Take a few minutes now to do this.

  • Question.

    • I like to ask myself, based on these physical sensations, what else could this be? Let yourself get quiet and wait. When I'm nervous the sensations are almost exactly like the sensations I get when I'm excited. 

    • Take the answer you get from the question above and ask yourself "What if I was xxx instead"?  In my case, what if I was excited instead of nervous? 

  • Notice.

    • What happens when you change what the physical sensations mean? All of a sudden you have another option.

Trust yourself, you're smarter, more prepared, and ready than you think!

I'm a few steps ahead of you, shining some light on the breadcrumb trail for you... Contact me  


I said yes…and now…

Say yes! Before you overthink it...

I'm 100%, in full agreement of saying no so you leave space for the things that you want and that really matter and...

...this blog focuses on when saying yes is useful and saying no is not in your best interest...where saying no is avoidance
In my case...pretty much always due to fear.  

About a year ago I had a voicemail on my phone asking me if I would consider presenting at a business event…one that probably would’ve put me in front of a roomful of my ideal clients by the way. As I listened to the voicemail, the commentary in my head started and it went something like this:

  • You don't know enough.

  • It's not the right time.

  • What if your technology fails?

  • They've made a mistake...

The commentary was so loud and convincing that by the time I was on the phone speaking to the organizer of the event, I’d already rejected the opportunity and had someone to refer them to as well. They spent the entire call trying to convince me why I was the right person and I spent the call convincing them otherwise.

As soon as I got in my car to head out to an appointment and the amygdala/hippocampus discussion going on in my head had settled down, I realized holy s*** of course I can do this! Of course, I can! I promptly called the event organizer letting them know that I could totally do it.  By the time I arrived at my appointment and sat to wait I put together a draft for the whole event and I did it within 5 minutes so clearly...I could do it!

Then I get the message back...time was of the essence for them... I had given them a great referral and they hired them. Ouch.

I shake my head now when I think about this… our biggest lessons are sometimes painful, and that was a lesson for sure.

Can you relate?  Maybe you have a similar story to tell?

Here's what I walked away with:

Before you (as in ME!)  say no, take a breath and consider the following:

  • You're never going to feel 100% ready.

  • What does this person see in you that you may be blind to?

  • You're not gonna get any better at what you're doing until you say yes to these opportunities.

  • Trust that you know way more than you think you do.

Are you ready?

Let’s get to it…

Your challenge…

What have you been avoiding because you're afraid or feel unprepared, not experienced enough, or whatever is stopping you and compelling you to say no? 

Here's what's been helpful for me and I hope will also be helpful to you too. Reflect on this:

  • What if you do know enough?

    • You're never going to feel a hundred percent ready.

  • You're not gonna get any better at what you're doing until you say yes to these opportunities.

    • Often you're the last one to recognize your own competence.

  • Stop arguing against yourself, for your limitations.

    • When someone sees something in you that they think would be useful obviously there's a reason.

  • Say yes!!

    • I'm happy to report that since this "incident," I've returned to my "say yes and figure it out" motto.

So how about it? What if you say yes? What could be possible for you?

I'm a few steps ahead of you, shining some light on the breadcrumb trail for you... Contact me  Let's play a bit in the muck!


Why work with me?  If you're looking at growing your confidence (or any other skill)... and you want to work with somebody who gets it, who's still on the path...I'm your person! Contact me  Plus we'll have a lot of fun too!

Say yes! Before you overthink it…

Psssst...Is it time to take off your mask?

I'll go first!

I've been doing a lot of work over the last four months with an incredible coach and it's been game-changing. Game-changing for me in terms of how I'm showing up. I'm so excited to finally be reconnecting with myself and being more of myself in my writing so that you can see who I really am. Warts and all!

I'm feisty and energetic, I can see b*******  and I will call it out... and on the flip side of that? I'm gentle. I'm kind. I'm empathetic and I love seeing you step into the biggest, boldest version of yourself.

All of that. 

I can be all of that and be professional…

I'll never forget what now is a funny recollection of some feedback I received several years ago.  As part of my development,  I was working with a director in another department of my organization. We couldn't have been more opposite. In my mind, they came across as a little stiff and serious and well me...I was being me.  When we provided feedback to each other during the project it was quite interesting. They thought I was too casual in some of my presentations and I told them that they could loosen up and be more of themselves.  I see now that we were both projecting ourselves on each other.  I took it very seriously at the time and it actually hindered my performance, until someone pulled me aside and gave me some perspective...I was stifling the very thing that made people resonate with me. My realness! 

How about you? 

Who are you? How would you describe yourself? What are the parts of you you're hiding that may be the key to connecting more deeply with others? Yes, time and place...I wholeheartedly acknowledge this and...I'm willing to bet that there are probably more opportunities than you think to be more of yourself. Loosen up a little.

What are you stifling that's ready to be seen?

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Take some time now to consider the following without overthinking...

  • How would you describe yourself, the you that you naturally are and feel at ease with?

    • Pick three or four of the top attributes that came up for you.

  • How often do the attributes you noted show up in your interactions with people you work with or for?

    • Notice. Is your response surprising?

  • What are the parts of you that you're hiding that may be the key to connecting more deeply with others?

    • It’s your humanness that makes you a better leader, colleague...a better you. Don't hide that! Celebrate it.

Let's be clear here... people resonate with real people. People they can see themselves in. I’m here to be your mirror, your perfectly imperfect, real, human model.

I’ll show up with my humanity and keep your best interests at heart because your results are my first priority! We can have fun and get you serious results.

Are you ready to start lifting your mask a little? It’s safe here. Contact me  I know that showing my humanity gives you permission to do the same. That’s big.


Psssst…is it time to take off your mask?

Stop taking yourself so seriously.


I can't tell you the last time I felt so inspired to put a blog out.  

When I first started writing blogs, about eight years ago, I would get a "bubbling" in my chest and pour out my ideas pretty much as is, no filter, and send them out into the ether. They came from my heart and I didn't worry about what people might think. I knew they would resonate with those people who were looking for real and authentic content. Somewhere along the way, I don't know exactly when, I started to feel that this wasn't "appropriate" and I started to conform to what I thought others would approve of...Until today.

This past weekend I put out a video of a blooper of one of my Confidence Tip Tuesday videos**.  This is something I never would have done in the past because I didn't want anyone to think that I didn't know what the heck I was doing...the idea that I've got my s*** together... which, let's face it, none of us do! It made me laugh because being able to take myself more "lightly" was liberating. So freeing.

This is my post today... my blog for you!

What I'm discovering more and more is that confidence is the willingness to show up as yourself, perfectly imperfect.

In my world, confidence:

  • Is a mindset.

  • Doesn't mean having it all figured out.

  • Means that you're willing to feel fear and be brave enough to take a step anyway.

  • Means trusting yourself and your instincts and being okay with being wrong sometimes.

How about you?

What's your definition or experience of being confident?

Generally, I've always been pretty guarded about showing myself as anything less than professional.  Primarily because I had the cloud of "what will they think" looming over my head. I'm learning that being "professional" is being human.  What a concept.

I'm doing the work to become more myself and I'm discovering that I can be pretty silly. This doesn't mean I'm not competent at what I do, it just means I'm human. If you're a leader and you're reading this, I want to tell you hands down, people want to see your humanity.  They don't want perfection, they want real.  The best boss (besides myself!) I ever had  - shout out to Sarah - showed up in a real human way and she was so respected for that. It was her example that allowed us to be human too, so just a tip, when you're leading people, they don't want to see your perfection...they want to see your humanity.

Are you ready?

Let’s get to it…

Your challenge…

Consider the following:

  • Where are you taking yourself way too seriously?

    • There's a time and place for sure. Assess. 

  • Is it really that important to worry about perfection and what people are going to think?

    • People love your humanity, it gives them permission to be human too.

  • People want to see more of who you are.

    • Again. Time and place. And...I'm going to wager that there are plenty of times you could let your guard down. Start noticing.

I'm finding my footing again. So you're gonna see more of me.  Real. Authentic. Silly. Maybe messy at times. Kinda like I am in person. That's my goal. This is who I am and it is my hope that by modeling this you'll reconnect with your real, authentic not so serious self.

I'm a few steps ahead of you, shining some light on the breadcrumb trail for you... Contact me  Let's play a bit in the muck!


Stop taking yourself so seriously. Seriously…